How service users are valued and actively supported and how service users are valued and actively supported.

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Health, Social Care & Early Years Setting

National Level 3

6D. Draw in-depth conclusions to include information about:

  • how service users are valued and actively supported
  • how diversity and equality are fostered
  • how confidentiality is maintained
  • How service users can access complaints procedures.

How service users are valued and actively supported:

Providing active support means when an individual in care setting need one to one care and support as it can make their lives easier. Therefore, Active support is an approach that regularly offers service users chance to take part in activities which they find interesting so that they can be helped by their care workers when they are in need of their help. It shifts the focus of direct-care staff work carrying out their tasks of them in everyday lives.

Care workers who provide active support to children have very important responsibility; they have to make sure they are with that child whenever they needs help and support. It takes a very patient care worker to carry out his responsibility properly, care workers have to keep in mind:

  • Give them choice of activities.
  • Listen to their worries and trouble.
  • Communicate with the child effectively.
  • Can handle their behavior.
  • Care workers work as a team.
  • Make sure they eat healthy.
  • Keep them safe and protected.
  • To see if they are achieving anything.
  • Making positive contribution.

In First Step nursery the care workers make sure that they are providing enough care and support when a child needs it such as when they want to go to the toilet or they want to eat food at lunch time. First Step nursery it is very important for the teachers that they are providing good care to the children. They make sure that they encourage the children to ask for help when they need it so that they are ready to provide them with active support such as when a child asks the teacher that they need the toilet, the teachers make sure that they are happy to help that child because it is their responsibility.

The children in the First Step nursery are actively supported by the care workers because they are protected from the harm which may be caused to them. The teachers make sure that they are around children all the time because anything can happen if the teachers are not present in front of the children. The teachers also protect them by whenever a visitor come they write down a log.

The children in the nursery have a right to make choices such as what they want to want to eat or what they want to do. The teachers make sure that before they give them something to what they ask them in a calm tone if they would like to eat it, even though they might not give a verbal response the children do give them physical response such as grabbing out for the food the teacher might be holding in front of them such as giving them a piece of fruit.

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The teachers also make sure that they make sure that the teacher are eating healthy food such as for lunch they give them healthy food such as mashed potatoes or pasta. They also make sure that throughout the day they give them fruit to eat. It is their responsibility that they also persuade parents of those children to give them healthy food at home also.

How diversity and equality are fostered:

First Step nursery makes sure that their children are equally treated because they promote equality and diversity in their setting. They have to make sure that none ...

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