Human growth and development from conception to birth

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Mia Lock Unit 4 - Maureen Orchard

Human growth and development from conception to birth

First trimester

st month - 4 weeks

By the fourth week of pregnancy the embryo is already encased in an amniotic sac of fluid. It's grey in colour and jelly-like, but already has a heart beat the size of a poppy seed which is beating on its own. The embryo is 1/4 inch in length and its heart, digestive system, backbone and spinal cord now begin to form, the placenta also begins developing. The single fertilized egg is now 10,000 larger than the size at conception.

2nd month - 8 weeks

By the eighth week of pregnancy the embryo is about one inch in length and is starting to look like a real baby. The embryo's limbs are developing and its fingers and toes are nearly complete. At the end of the eighth week the penis begins to appear in males and also the embryo is moving, although the mother can not yet feel movement.

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3rd month - 12 weeks

A 12 week fetus measures around 8cm (3in) and weighs about a 1/2 to one oz.All its major body organs and tissues have formed and he or she is already making jaw movements, sucking and swallowing. A fetal heart rate can be heard at 10 weeks with a special Doppler instrument. By 12 weeks the fetus develops a recognisable form, the arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet and toes are fully formed and nails start to develop and earlobes are formed, although the eyes aren't fully developed yet.

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Second trimester

4th month - 16 weeks

At the end of 4 months the fetus is about 6 1/2 to 7 inches long and weighs about 6 to 7 oz. The second trimester is when the baby becomes more recognisably human, its neck uncurls, eyes are closer together and arms,legs, fingernails and toenails are well developed. The tooth buds are developing and sweat glands are formimg on palms and soles. Because the fetus is developing reflexes such as sucking and swallowing, the fetus may begin to suck his or her thumb. At this stage the skin is bright pink, transparent and covered with soft, downy hair and the sex is now identifiable. Although the fetus is recognisably human in appearance, it would not be able to survive outside the mother's body.

5th month - 20 weeks

At the end of 5 months the fetus is about 8 to 10 inches long and weighs about 1 lb. Between 17 and 20 weeks you may actually start to feel him/her move, more a fluttery sensation than an actual kick at first. His or her organs are maturing and eyebrows, eyelids and eyelashes start to appear; he or she can now suck their thumb, hiccup and hear your voice. Hair will begin to grow on his or her head and he or she has also started to grow fine hair called lanugo all over its body, some of these hairs may remain until a week after birth when it is shed.
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6th month - 24 weeks

At the end of 6 months the fetus is about 11 to 14 inches long and weighs about 1 3/4 to 2 lb. The eyelids begin to part and eyes open occasionally for a short period of time. By the end of the second trimester at 24 weeks it would be possible now for a baby to survive if he or she arrives prematurely. He or she would require intensive care, but increasing numbers of babies are surviving at this age. Fat stores are beginning to be ...

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