I will be explaining the patterns and trends within social groupings such as Social Class & Gender, Ethnicity and Locality.

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Anna Smith

Health and Social Care Level 3

Sociological Perspectives


I’m Anna Smith, in my report I will be explaining the patterns and trends within social groupings such as Social Class & Gender, Ethnicity and Locality.

The Black Report and The Health Divide identify the health inequalities that existed in the 80’s in relation to social class based on the Registrar Genera’s Social Class with high morality rates being seen in the lower social classes’ e.g. unskilled and manual workers.

Life expectancy nowadays, at birth remains less for those in the lower social classes for males more than female than in the professional and managerial classes. Even though life expectancy at birth has rose for social classes over the past thirty years, inequality has rose. In the year 2004 life expectancy at birth were 77 years for male and 81 years for women. In 1996, the variation in life expectancy at birth between social classes was significant both for both female and male. For male, the variation in life expectancy at birth involving those in the Registrar General’s Social class I (profession al) and those in Class V (unskilled manual) was 9.5 years. For female the change 6.4 years. Even though life expectancy at birth was altered over the past 25 years, a differential remains and statistics portray that related patterns are evolving for female as for male, though it is essential to retain that allocating social class to married women is difficult as the current system Is based on the spouses occupation which may be lower than indicated by women’s occupation. The death of people employed age (35-64) from exact causes, such heart disease, respiratory diseases, are indicating a widening split between social classes.

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Even though there are laws enforced, women are less paid then men. In recent survey by Higher Education Statistics Agency, women that have degrees averagely are paid less then men. Males ear £1,000 more than their female college classmates within three years after leaving higher education. There is a possibility that women fly straight into high paid jobs with 40% of men earning over £25,000 a year compared with 26% of women three years after graduating.

The higher death rate for male can associated with higher levels of smoking ...

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There are some good points made in the essay. The writer is clearly aware of the variations in health among different social classes and offers some explanations as to why these differences are present. However parts of the work lack detail. Mention is made of research which states X, but the research is not named specifically. Some class inequalities are discussed with no discussion as to why that situation is so, ie. the different rates of lung cancer across the country. Poor grammar in some parts made the work more difficult to understand so please proof-read carefully. 3/5