Inequalities in Society - case study of two families.

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Stephanie cooper                 

Unit 19- Applied Sociological Perspectives for Health and Social Care


M1- Discuss the impact of social Inequalities on groups in society

Social inequalities has an impact on your physical, intellectual, emotional, social (PIES) development, this can be shown and proven by analysing the two different family case studies below.

By just reading both families lifestyles I can see that family one will have more negative impact on their PIES development than family two.

Family one’s physical develop may be hindered in many ways as their flat is damp, over time family one may develop respiratory issues. I believe that this family doesn’t have a good status of health, this will have a massive effect on their physical development, if they don’t have a good health they are more likely to develop diseases and illnesses more often that a person with a good status of health. With them living on the second floor the children will not be able to run around in the garden. A positive of living on the second floor, they have to walk up stairs to get to their flat, by walking up the stairs they will get a small amount of exercise.  As Lisa is frightened of using too much heating in case she cannot afford to pay the electric bills, will have an impact on the family’s physical development, the flat may be really cold but she won’t turn the heating on. The children may become really ill and get phenomena or really bad colds. Being afraid of putting the heating on will hinder their social development as they will not want to invite people around to their flat as it will be cold.

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Lisa’s husband has recently left; this will have a big impact on the children as they will be emotionally upset to add to the emotional upset of the children Lisa doesn’t know where her husband is living so she is stressed.

As Lisa is now a lone parent her children will suffer emotionally as they don’t have a father figure to look up to. The boys don’t have a male role model to look up to and they may not know how to act around men when they are older, as they are used to just having their mum ...

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