Medicine - Additional

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Demonstrate familiarity with:

Problems faced by patients & relatives in coping with illness

* It is important to deal with the illness on a physical, emotional & spiritual level.

Compliance with Rx

* Problems identified as causing failure of adherence to clinical advice:

o No named doctor being in charge of patients care.

o No named nurse being in charge of patients care.

o Being in pain most or all of the time.

o Not being told on discharge when to resume their normal activities.

* Factors in communication which improve patients' adherence to clinical advice:

o Clinician understands the patient.

o Clinician's tone of voice.

o Clinician elicits all the patient's health concerns.

o Patient is comfortable asking questions.

o Patient perceives that sufficient time is spent with the clinician.

* Health outcomes depend on the extent to which patients adhere to their clinical advice.

* Correctable factors are all matters of communication: letting patients know why their Rx is being given & what benefits they stand to gain, what pros & cons there may be, what options exist, & doing so in a ways which builds trust & collaboration.

Adjustment to loss & bereavement

* Phases of bereavement - shock, distress, adjustment, moving on.

Legal & ethical issues relating to consent to Rx

* Doctors seeking consent for a particular procedure must be competent in the knowledge of how the procedure is performed & its problems.

* For agreement to Rx to be legally accepted it must meet 3 conditions:

o Consent must be informed to an adequate standard.

o Patients must be competent to consent to Rx.

o Patients must not be coerced into accepting Rx against their wishes.

* It is unlawful battery to intentionally touch a competent patient without their consent.

* Rx can be given legally to adult patients without consent if they are temporarily or permanently incompetent to provide it & Rx is necessary to save their life, or to prevent them from incurring serious & permanent injury.

* Patients are competent if they are able to:

o Understand information about their condition & Rx.

o Remember this information.

o Deliberate about the therapeutic choices posed by the information.

o Believe that the information applies to them.

* >16yo can give valid consent.

* If <18 & refusing life saving Rx, talk to parents & your senior as the law is unclear - may need to contact duty judge.

* Vast majority of patients with psychiatric illness are competent to consent to refuse Rx.

* If patients with severe psychiatric illness are incompetent to understand the nature & consequences of their illness, they will be unable to provide valid consent to Rx.

* 1983 Mental Health Act - mentally ill patient may be detained under this for further examination & Rx against their will.

* Incompetent in one respect does not entail incompetence in all respects.

* No one can consent for another adult - if the patient is incompetent, doctors must decided what is & what is not done in the best interests of the patient

Breaking bad news

* Choose a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

* Find out what the patient already knows.

* Find out how much patient wants to know.

* Share information about Dx, Rx, prognosis & specifically list supportive people & institutions e.g. hospices.

* Ask whether there is anything they would like you to explain.

Patient education including delivering information about life style measures to influence health

* When information is given skilfully, patients are able to understand what is said & to remember & to find it helpful.

* Patients are more likely to adhere to clinical advice if they get comprehensible information, if it makes sense of their problems & if they can get easy access to more if they need it.

* Information must be related not only to the biomedical facts, but to the patients' ideas about their condition.

* Use logical sequence to explain cause & effect of condition in context of patient's symptoms.

* Talk about one thing at a time & make sure patient understands before you move onto next.

* Use simple language, translate unavoidable medical terms & write them down.

* Make your information & instructions direct, detailed & concrete.

* To achieve maximum adherence, the clinician's suggestion about Dx or Rx must be negotiated with the patient. This requires an explanation of the benefits & disadvantages & the risks of these suggestions & any alternatives, all with the aim of enlisting patients to take an active part in their own care.
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* Patients adhere to suggestions about Ix & Rx when they are thus enlisted as partners as a result of:

o Frank exchange of information.

o A negotiation of options.

o Involving patients in decisions.

* Any possible misunderstanding will be greatly reduced if a brief summary is made 1st of the patient's agenda & then that of the clinician.

Principles & practice of rehabilitation, particularly in the elderly & post-operative patient

* Focus on patients' problems not the doctors' diseases.

* See it from the patient's perspective.

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