My name is Florence Nightingale. Many people know me as "the lady with the lamp."

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        My name is Florence Nightingale. Many people know me as “the lady with the lamp.” My history tells that I was seen as an angel of mercy. My contributions to medicine are still very much seen today.

        I was born May 12, 1820 and Fanny Nightingale in Florence, Italy.

William My mother wanted her children to have different names, so her firstborn, my sister, was named Parthenope after an ancient Greek site. I was named Florence after the town in which I was born.  My parents were known to be very strong-willed and intelligent people. When I was a year old, my family moved to back to their homeland, Europe. My father had inherited a large amount of money so I grew up in an upscale world of games, guests, excursions, pets and amusements. My father began educating me and my sister when we were quite young. He taught us Greek, French, Italian, and German. I remember very clearly his consistency in teaching me to study history, philosophy, math, ethics and the Bible. I expressed early on my desire to help people when my sister and I were playing dolls. Parthenope had fun taking the dolls apart, while I found amusement in sewing and putting them all back together. I grew up to be known as the better looking sister who was better at school work. My sister played the role of a more “normal” daughter according to society’s standards, who enjoyed socializing over studying.

        In my early teens, I became dissatisfied with my life. There were expectations of me to take on the ordinary activities of a lady. Those things only bored me. I felt different from other people and it seemed like I was in a completely different world than everyone else. Finally, on February 7th, 1837 when I was the age of sixteen years, God spoke to me and called me to his service. Although I wasn’t sure exactly what he wanted me to do or when, I felt a sense of peace knowing I was going to do something important in my life.

        Soon after that, I began to ask my parents for their permission   to further study mathematics with extra tutoring. My mother did not approve of this, and my father urged me to study things that were more suited for a woman. They just did not understand why a young woman like me would want to spend my time studying mathematics when I should be putting that energy towards finding a husband. Eventually, after much persuasion and many emotional battles, my parents finally agreed.

        In an attempt to try and reform me more to a “lady,” my mother tried to start suggesting that it was time for me to start looking for a husband. I was simply not interested and had no desire to find a husband. I felt I had more important things to accomplish in my life. However, much to my mother’s surprise, I did attract and I was courted by many suitors because of my good looks and intelligence. However, my agenda was a lot different than my mother’s.

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        Nearly seven years had passed since God had last spoken to me.  I began to grow restless and I felt frustrated. I still didn’t know what exactly it was that God wanted me to do and at that point in my life. England was in a state of hardship at that time. Disease and poverty crowded the streets of England. Because I came from a wealthy family, I felt ashamed for having so much luxury. When I saw all the hardship and agony so many people were suffering from, I felt hopeless. People were starving while I had my choice ...

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