p6- Describe ways of reflecting on and challenging discriminatory issues in health & social care

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Describe ways of reflecting on and challenging discriminatory issues in health & social care.  

One way a social care setting can challenge anti discriminatory is through staff development and training this may be done formally through supervision sessions or more informally in the course of day to day working. The manager should supervise the work of their staff, offer advice and guidance in difficult situations and help the workers identify training opportunities to improve their practice.

Organisational polices also play a big factor when trying to reflect on and challenge discriminatory issues in health and social care. Organization polices will regulate workers day to day relations with their service users .There should be policies for vulnerable service users, as well as service standards to inform workers and service users about expected standards and equal opportunities.

Many service users are reluctant to ask for support and will try to deal with issues themselves. Therefore providing active support requires a sensitive approach. Support can take many forms and it is important to recognize both the forms and the amounts of support that may be required. All of our service users are individuals and therefore need vary amounts of support, in some cases on daily basis. Individuals needs to be protected from harm and allowed access to information. They also need to be cared for in a way that meets their needs and takes account of their choices, and protects.

The role of work practices in promoting service users rights is particularly important. A few examples of these appropriate work practices include service users being able to protect their private space, to lock the door of their room and expect staff to ask permission before entering. All service users should have the choice over what to eat, what to wear, what activities they are addressed by staff and workers, as well as when to get up, have meals and even when to bath. But above all of these suggested and appropriate work practices, dignity and privacy must be particular consideration when helping service users with intimate care tasks. Care should be offered in that way so everybody feels that they are not discriminated or then being treated unfairly.  

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Difficulties that may be encountered when implementing anti-discriminatory practice.

The very nature of health and social care work suggests that the individuals being supported are vulnerable. As we seen through this unit, this vulnerability is often related to ‘difference ‘in terms of capability or levels of independence. Vulnerability may be related to physical, emotional, financial or social well-being. Sometimes this vulnerability may include being vulnerable to discrimination but views of which is likely to be prejudice. For example, staff can label clients as being ‘difficult’; ...

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