People seem to think that marijuana is a harmless, non-addictive, drug.

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        People seem to think that marijuana is a harmless, non-addictive, drug.  Using marijuana is constantly compared to drinking alcohol without the fear of addiction.  I feel that this is a ridiculous comparison. I believe that marijuana is just as addictive as alcohol and can affect a person's life just as much as alcohol abuse.

                  Marijuana is similar to alcohol because in the beginning addiction is considered unlikely by the user.  However, the pattern of marijuana addiction differs from that of alcohol.

        1. [marijuana’s] early use is beguiling. The user is given an illusion of feeling good; he cannot sense the deterioration of his mental and physiological process. 2. Its continued use leads to delusional thinking. After one to three years of continuous use, the pathological forms of thinking begin to take over the thought process."(Executive Health Report, October 1977, p.8)

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        A drug is classified as addicting if it causes: compulsive, often uncontrollable drug craving, seeking, and use, even in the face of negative health and social consequences. Marijuana meets this criteria. More than 120,000 people enter treatment per year for their primary marijuana addiction. In addition, animal studies suggest marijuana causes physical dependence, and some people report withdrawal symptoms.

        There is a very important difference between what alcohol does to your body compared to marijuana's affect.  Alcohol is a food and is metabolized by the body to provide energy, the end products are eliminated by the body. However, according ...

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