Personal Lifestyle Diary - diet and nutrition.

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Callum Cope

Keeping a personal food diary

A personal food diary will help you to control the types of food you eat and how much food and drink you actually consume. It will also make you realize what the best times of the day are for main meals and snacks. You must eat a balanced diet of the day are for main meals and snacks. you must eat a balanced diet of all the food groups so that you consume all five nutrients in the correct amounts.

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A good diet is essential to overall good health so it is imperative that you know which foods include in your meals and which ones are best avoided, a balanced diet is one of the beast routes to healthy living and through it may not be possible to balance your food correctly at every meal it may be possible to get rid it right over a whole day or week. Choose options that are lower in fat saturated fat salt and sugars and drink approximately 1.2 liters (6_8 glasses) of fluid a day to replace that lost ...

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This is an adequate essay but I think that there is quite a bit that could be added. The writer has made a food diary and added a basic description of food groups. It could be easily enhanced by discussing what the foods are used for in the body and where they are found. The section on exercise is not quite as detailed as it should be. ***