Promoting A Healthy Environment For Children - The Role of the Practitioner

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“Health is not just about keeping children free of illness but promoting their overall well-being” According to Tassoni et al (2007:265). ‘Being Healthy’ is about a variety of factors that are Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social and Spiritual; practitioners must suit all these needs and take a holistic approach to ensure that every child within their setting is truly ‘healthy’.

My first piece of evidence is a Cleves Cross dinner menu, which displays the food that will be served to the children throughout the week. It displays a variety of foods which will suit the children’s daily intake as they are rich is carbohydrates, sugars, vitamins and minerals. Every meal will come with clean drinking water to fulfil a child’s right to clean water. Each meal now also comes with a health nutritious salad or numerous vegetables such as broccoli or carrots, this enables children to stay fit and healthy. It is the role of the practitioner to plan and cook these meals daily for every child to ensure that every child has a nutritious meal so that children get their Guided Daily Amount (GDA) of nutrients and so they have the energy to participate in fun stimulating activities.  If children have allergies or disliking in the food then it is the role of the practitioner to plan suitable alternatives which will provide them with the necessary nutrition, for example in my first placement Child A was a vegetarian and does not like to consume any meat or fish and that he does not like milk which was being served, so my supervisor and myself had to plan a substitute food and drink to give to him instead of serving him the tuna. This was discussed with another member of staff that usually prepares the meals and we decided that providing him with cheese and orange juice would be a suitable substitute for the tuna and milk, as it will provide him with the necessary nutrition that tuna would, such as protein, calcium and Vitamin C.  It is the role of the practitioner to review the  ‘Children’s Dietary Needs’ file before a meal is served, to observe any dietary needs of the children within the setting and appropriate planning and action must be taken to suit these needs. It is also my role to act as a role model and eat healthy food with these children, as they will witness me doing this and imitate me according to Skinner’s imitation theory. [E8] Practitioners must know the specific needs of every child so that they can suit these needs to help them develop to the best of their ability, so practitioners must listen carefully to parents to respect and act professional about these needs. I learnt that practitioners must also follow inclusions polices to stop a child from feeling excluded, for example when serving the cheese to the child many other child has asked for some cheese too but I explained to them that it was just for Child A as they all had tuna, and they were all happy to eat the tuna instead, this ensures that everyone felt included and all had something to eat and drink.

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My second piece of evidence in a Fire evacuation procedure, this clearly shows step by step instructions about what to do if a fire occurs; these are placed all over the school in case of a fire. It is the role of the practitioner to create and put up these instructions all over the school to protect the children in case there is a fire, practitioners must also have regular fire drills and tests to ensure that all the alarms work correctly and teach every child how to line up and evacuate the building without panicking or getting upset. ...

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