Reflective accounts - I had to consider whether the children would enjoy the activity and gain more knowledge and understanding from the activity about the solar system.

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Practice Evidence Record Diary.

Unit 7 –Task 1


When organising the activity I had to consider how long the activity would take and if it would be better if all the children participated altogether or in smaller groups. I had to consider whether the children would enjoy the activity and gain more knowledge and understanding from the activity about the solar system.

I linked this to the children’s curriculum.

Knowledge, skills and understanding

Light and sound

3. Pupils should be taught:

 Light and dark

 To identify different light sources, including the Sun

 That darkness is the absence of light


Before doing the activity the teacher asked the children to try and remember as many planets as possible they could think of and list them. For example The Sun, mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. To help children memorize the names of the planets and their positions in the solar system i came up with an acrostic poem. For example:

My (Mercury)
Very (Venus)
Excited (Earth)
Mother (Mars)
Just (Jupiter)
Served (Saturn)
Us (Uranus)
Nine (Neptune)
Pizzas (Pluto)

After the children remembered the planets the teacher told them some of the following facts about the planets such as:

 The planets in our Solar System are held in place by the Sun’s gravity.

 The planets each have their own orbit duration, depending on their distance from the Sun, so each planet’s “year” differs.

 Jupiter is the largest planet in our system.

 Pluto has been reclassified as a dwarf planet.

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 The Earth is the only planet in our system that has water. It covers three-quarters of the Earth’s surface.

 The planets in the Solar System have a total of 166 moons.

Before making the solar system ourselves I thought it would be a good idea for the children to have a look on the computer first of pictures of the solar system so they could have more idea of what it looks like and have a more understanding altogether. My role when doing this activity was to help the children make a model of the solar system and to identify ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay

This is a good essay but is a little basic in its content. The writer has some excellent activities but really only describes rather than reflects. This could be extended by trying to fully discuss the activity and what went well. It could be further enhanced by trying to link in a bit of educational psychology too. There's is plenty out there if you do the research. ***