Summarise the factors which may influence the health and development of babies in the first year of their lives.

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Working With Babies from Birth to 12 Months

Andrea Fernandes

Annette Small

CACHE Childcare and Education Level 3,

Barnet College,


E1-Summarise the factors which may influence the health and development of babies in the first year of their lives.

Environmental factors such as not having enough space in the garden for the baby to play and explore will influence their development as they may not be able to expand their gross and fine motor skills.  “Generally people with a high level of earnings enjoy a better lifestyle, with better housing, better food, warm clothes and own transport” Meggit. C. (2001:10) Parents may not have enough money to fund for toys and equipment for the baby which means they will not benefit from experiences.  On the other hand, babies who are raised in poverty are less likely to receive good nourishment and may live in unsuitable housing.  Poverty therefore increases the likelihood of accidents and infections.  

Another factor is genetics which may influence the health and development of the baby.  At the moment of conception when one sperm fuses with one egg information that will affect the baby’s development comes together this information is known as DNA (deoxyribonucleicacid).  DNA contains information that will influence our physical appearance, pre-disposition to illness.  This is because some of the illnesses are inherited through genes for example, Downs Syndrome; this has been resulted from a chromosomal abnormality.  This can lead the baby having problems such as heart defects and chest infections.  

Illnesses such as meningitis can cause epilepsy and hearing problems. Whilst asthma is long term and the baby may need to have asthma pumps.  The baby may have poor appetite, constipation and may be feeling miserable, when they are ill.  Their weight and height may be below average, if they have not been developing correctly due to illness. Babies are very vulnerable to infections because their immune systems are developing. Some childhood illnesses such as measles and whooping cough can leave babies with permanent disabilities and in some cases cause stunted growth.  

Antenatal factors also influence the development of the baby as during pregnancy the mother may have taken illegal drugs or alcohol.  This can cause the baby to have an addiction due to this they will need to be weaned off it.  Infections can also pass through the umbilical cord such as rubella, which can leave the baby deaf or blind when born.  When the baby is being delivered, there may be complications which can affect the baby’s health such as lack of oxygen. This can be caused by the umbilical cord becoming entangled.  As a result of this, the baby can be left with permanent brain damage.  Using analgesic drugs during labour is also a risk.  The effect on the baby depends on how much and how close to delivery the drug is given to the mother as some babies will show signs of sleepiness after birth and some women may also find signs of nausea and drowsiness.   

Finally, nutrition plays a significant role in babies overall health.  Babies who are well nourished are more likely to resist infections and develop healthy bones and skin.  They will also have energy for play and sufficient nutrients for growth.  Some research also suggests that diet can also play a part in cognitive development.  

E2-Describe how indoor and outdoor environments can be made safe, reassuring and stimulating.

The indoor environment can be made safe by making sure the children are never left alone, as this can cause accidents. There should always be the correct staff to baby ratio, which is 1:3. Whilst the baby sleeps, the practitioners should be aware of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and keep the baby at the end of the cot. Risk assessments should also be made inside and outside.

It is important that the environment children are playing in is regularly checked, before and during activities.” Tassoni. P (2007:193)

Outside, the gates should be locked and the practitioner should follow the correct policies and procedures. There should be activities which are age / stage suited and that are supervised at all times.

The indoor environment can be reassuring by having a key person who the baby will bond with. The practitioner can make sure the babies have individual routines, by working in partnership with parents, as they will find out about their child’s personal needs. They can adapt their voice and body language so the baby will feel comfortable. The baby can also have a comforter when they are upset and have gradual settling in procedures. Whilst outdoors, they can be exposed to new experiences slowly. The practitioner can also support the baby if upset by strangers, as they are aware of them from 6 months.

The environments can be made stimulating by having a variety of activities which build the babies sensory development, fine and gross motor skills. For example a treasury basket which has different natural objects in, this will encourage the baby to use their different senses.

"Babies given safe, stimulating and supportive opportunities will use their senses to learn about objects they encounter. In doing so they will enter into a world of discovery, puzzlement, social encounter and communication… As babies suck, grasp, touch and feel objects they rehearse behaviours which foster their earliest learning." (Goldschmied, E 1989)

The displays can be low down so the babies can interact with them by touch. Whilst outdoors, the practitioner can take the babies to parks or mini zoo’s and let them explore nature. This will bring new natural textures to the baby.

C1 –Discuss the importance of an environment that is safe, reassuring and stimulating.

It is important for the environment to be safe as it is a government and legal requirement. This is because the Childcare Act 2006 affects the “adult to child ratio in rooms, the qualification levels of staff.” Tassoni. P (2007:117) these are embedded in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

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The environment must also be safe as this prevents the baby having accidents.  The parents will feel reassured, if they feel their baby is in a safe environment. This means that they will want to continue to send their baby to the setting.

It will also help the baby’s development, as they will have the opportunities to learn. If not the baby may not develop skills such as fine and gross.

A reassuring environment will make the baby feel secure and settled. As a result, the baby will want to attend the setting. They will also ...

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This is a very good essay but a little disorganised in places. The writer needs to try to talk in PIES when discussing factors that affect development. The writer has discussed some theorists but it is rather vague and the work could be expanded by trying to apply the ideas to the setting. There are lots of opportunities for extending the work throughout, simply through developing explanations and adding examples. ****