The communication skills needed by care professionals in health and social care environments.

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Sanaa Jan Mohammed


Unit 1: Developing Effective Communication in Health and Social care

P1 explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context.

Different types of communication in health and social care services are; one to one, group, verbal and non – verbal, formal and informal.

Communication is exchange of information between individuals.

  1. One to one communication is spoken communication between two individual.

  • Face to face conversation is the most common form of one to one communication.

  • It is a type of conversation with another person but no other people joining in.

  • For example: Letters of blood test result ,Doctor giving medical information to the patient, A councillor assists a client at a therapy. 

  • One to one interaction is beneficial for the patients because, it help aid self-esteem and confident. And it can make them feel special and cared for, as this is a way of saying to a person that you have time for them.

  • Communications in these situations are most effective when both parties are relaxed and able to take turn to talk and listen. It also helps if the communication begins the interaction with a friendly and relaxed greeting. Focusing on the topic of the interaction. Finally ending the interaction in a supportive and positive way. For example: reassuring service users and assessing their needs. Support and supervision sessions for service users when needed.

  1. Group communication refers to a way of sharing views, ideals and important information with more than one person at a given time.

  • Often there is a lot going on in a group, different people trying to speak, get their point of view across.

  • Examples of group interaction are: Meetings, Therapy sessions and Social event.

  • Group interaction is beneficial for the patient because is useful for pre-setting and sharing ideas from one person to another or in a group to found a solution. Also, it’s good for socialising. 

There are number of benefits for participants in group communication:

  • An effective way of sharing responsibility.

  • It can improve decision-making and problem-solving; as there are number of people with different knowledge and skills.

  • It can also improve one’s self esteem, social skills and social awareness, especially when the group has a therapeutic goal.

However, there also can be limits to the effectiveness of communication in a group if:

  • A single person is held with power in a group.

  • Small cliques of people misuse the power to dominate others in the group.

  • Losing sight from the main goal or purpose of a group interaction.

  • For example: A healthcare team encounters issues and problems related to leadership, support, problem solving, conflict, negotiation. Positive potential of healthcare team include enhanced understanding of the service users problem, access to wider range of expertise, the support of colleagues, reduced stress due to shared responsibilities, variety of perspectives and enhanced access to care for the service users.

Group communication is a very common method in the health and social care sector. It is mainly because care professionals tend to work in teams and in partnership with service users and their families.

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  1. Formal and informal communication

Formal communication is official or correct form of information. For example: when someone speaks or writes in an ‘official’ way as they are representing their care organisation or are contacting the organisation officially.

Informal communication doesn’t stick to the formal rules. For example; a casual and relaxed conversation, written note or text message is considered as informal communication. Another example is ‘Hi DAD’ when people communicate in an informal way; they are less concerned about the correct use of English. It doesn’t mean this sort of communication ...

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