The Effects Of Smoking On The Lungs

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Eva Sorensen

The Effects Of Smoking On The Lungs

Smoking has been linked with a number of serious illnesses, such as lung cancer and cancer of the oral cavity, oesophagus and larynx.

Tobacco smoking is responsible for nearly all cases of a chronic breathing obstruction known as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD. COPD includes diseases like emphysema and chronic bronchitis, and leaves sufferers breathless and unable to do many activities.

Cigarette smoke has chemicals that can make normal cells change into cancer cells.  Some of the contents are:  

  • Nicotine - the addictive drug in tobacco, which increases the smoker’s blood pressure and heart rate.  Concentrated nicotine is a deadly poison and is widely used as insecticide.  
  • Carbon Monoxide - a poisonous gas produced by burning tobacco, which is absorbed into the bloodstream where it decreases the amount oxygen available to body, and forces the heart to work harder.
  • Arsenic - used in rat poison
  • Sulphur dioxide - a food preservative
  • Acetone - this is the chemical used in nail varnish remover
  • Methanol - anti-freeze fluid
  • Methane - a component of rocket fuel
  • Ammonia - used in floor cleaner
  • Cadmium - used in batteries
  • Formaldehyde - used to preserve body tissue
  • Butane - lighter fluid
  • Hydrogen cyanide - the poison used in gas chambers
  • Tar – this is a group of sweet smelling chemicals in cigarette smoke.  These are the substances that cause cancer; they are called carcinogens.
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The smoke of cigarettes has two parts: the particulate phase – tiny portions of solid matter that contain the tar; and the gas phase, which contains carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.  These toxic substances are drawn directly into the smokers’ lungs.  The filters in most cigarettes reduce the amount of large particles and allow some dilution with air, but let most of the harmful chemicals into the lungs.

The tar content of cigarette smoke damages the cells in the airway of the lung.  Eventually this damage can produce cells that grow uncontrollably, leading to cancer of the larynx, or ...

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