Understand the learning process- theories of learning

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Module 6: Personal Professional Development

Learning Outcomes: Understand Learning Process.

Task 1.

Task 1:

Learning Styles affect individuals and their ability to learn. Each individual has a preference of a learning style whether this is visual, listening, touching or performing; these ways will affect an individual understanding and processing information.

As we develop in life our learning styles may change due to the environment we are exposed to. We may be required to use different techniques none the less we may still hold the preference of the particular learning style in which we obtain information easily.

There are two relevant learning theories which can categorise learners to ensure their learning style needs are met in professional development.

Personal Professional Development (PPD) “is learning you will acquire from experience before you qualify as a professional” (B.Stretch, M.Whitehouse (2007) BTEC Nationals Health and Social Care Book 1. Page 272).

Whereas Continuing Professional Development (CPD) “is learning you will acquire after qualifying as a professional” (B. Stretch, M. Whitehouse (2007) BTEC Nationals Health and Social Care Book 1. Page 272).

We never stop learning or using learning styles, we just have the ability to apply knowledge and experience more easily as we age; as adults we are aware of other learning styles and when to apply them in a way which benefits us.

Kolb’s Experimental Learning Cycle (1984).

David Kolb’s learning cycle is a theory that is widely know of and used. The objective of this theory was to explain how young adults develop cognitive abilities.

Cognitive abilities means problem solving skills or “the ways in which you think, using your knowledge and experience” (B. Stretch, M. Whitehouse (2007) BTEC Nationals Health and Social Care Book 1. Page 275).

Kolb identified that during adolescence and early adulthood we develop preferences for the way in which we collect information, make sense of experiences and used collected information to develop understanding.

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The Kolb learning cycle has four stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation.

Concrete Experience

This is the ‘doing stage’ where you participate in an action(s).

Reflective Observation

The stage in which you personally reflect on the concrete experience.

Abstract Conceptualisation

This is the decision and planning stage where the information gained from the experience is analysed and understood.

Active Experimentation

This stage is the planning of Kolb’s cycle so that you can learn from the first concrete experience in order to conduct it again revised – implementing the plan.

Based upon Kolb’s learning theory ...

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