Understand the strategies used to safeguard children and young people from exploitative behaviour.

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Hannah Farnworth 2e Assignment 1Caring for Children and Young peopleUnit 10Task: Understand the risks to children and young people of abusive and exploitative behaviour. Understand the strategies used to safeguard children  and young people from exploitative behaviour.There are four main types of abuse, these are:. Physical. Neglect. Sexual. EmotionalPhysical AbuseThere is many different possible signs and symptoms of physical abuse. These symptoms could be bruises, unexplained burns; bite marks a child could also have internal injuries. If the child has signs and symptoms of bruising then this may lead to suspicion if the bruising was in the shape of a belt, rope or a shoe as this would indicate that the child may have been whipped with one of these objects. If the child has bruising in unusual places such as inner thighs, behind the knee, upper arm, back or neck, then this may also lead to suspicion as they are very unusual places for a child to bump then selves and develop bruising in these particular areas which may indicate that the bruising has been done deliberate to the child. The number of bruises and the frequency of bruises may lead to suspicion that the child is being physically abused. Also the colour of the bruises may lead to suspicion as the colour of bruise will indicate its stage of healing , if the bruises are at different stages of healing then
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that will indicate that the child/ young person is being bruised on a regular basis. Fingertip bruises or pinch marks would be a major concern as this would indicate that the child is being nipped, slapped, and punched deliberately.  Unexplained bruises may lead to suspicion if the shape of the burn indicates that the child or young person has been deliberately burnt, for example- if the child or young person has a burn mark the size of a small circle than this may indicate that the child has been burnt by a cigarette. If a child has bite marks on ...

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