unit 2 the developing child - cache level 2 . Stages of development, influences and transitions.

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Mohbeen Khan

                                        Unit 2- The developing child


The expected social stage of social development for a 4 year old is that they are more aware to talk to new people; the children are more friendly and caring towards others. Children are a lot more confident in these ages. Children are more understanding and can engage in a conversation and understand how to share and co-operate with one another. According to this website:  (11/05/2011) children show anger verbally instead of physically.  Children understand the concept of past present and future. Tassoni, P (2007) page 43 explains how children are more affectionate towards family, friends and careers.


The expected social stage of development for a five year old is, he or she is very co operative. Engages in conversation, A 5 year old can speak clearly and use different connectives properly in a sentence. Children can also choose their own friends.   Meggitt, C (2004) Page 86 explains how children ask about abstract words (for instance, what does “beyond” mean?) http://www.education.com/reference/article/Ref_Social_Emotional_End/ according to this website by the end of 5 years children want to please friends, agree to rules , likes singing, dancing. At the age of 5 children should be able to be more independent and they also like to copy other children’s actions, behaviors and comments. Children also begin to understand about values and the correct way to behave.


At my placement the teacher was observing a child, she was writing a written commentary, the child had problems holding a pencil in the correct way. While I was observing the teacher would write everything that he would do for example, the child picked up the pencil, how much pressure he used while holding the pencil, which hand he rights with etc. A suitable way to observe a child is by sitting next to them, and just looking at what they do, an observation is not telling the child what to do because this is what you have said not them.  The observer should write as much as they can, according to Tassoni, P (2007) level 3 “The language that is used to record can also be subjective. Observers will not have the time to consider carefully the vocabulary that is being used and will probably put the first word which comes to mind. Afterwards, notes need to be written out so they are legible”.

While observing the observer will have to write in present tense. The teacher has to write as much as she can so that if anyone reads it he or she will get an image of the child and the problem he has.


The different types of advantages that come with doing observation is that, they can be done very easily, for example you do not need any specific documents that need to be filled in you just need paper and pen, because you only need a pen and paper, you can record something at short notice. However the information which is written should be written in detail and have good vocabulary.

While doing observation there are also disadvantages, for example an observation can only be used for a short time so the observer will have to keep doing observation again and again. It is also difficult because the observer has to right down every detail and might find it hard to keep up with the child’s activities. Also the notes need to be written up quickly, because if they are not then they might either get lost or might be forgotten.


The main influences that may affect the social development might be,

-moving house,

-separation between parents,

-death in the family,

-death of a parent,

-death of a sibling,


-lack of money,

-abuse and neglect.


Snack and meal times can support social development in many ways, for example children learn how to co- operate with on another; they learn how to share with one another, for example passing the food bowl around. Children can also make new friends by sitting near some one they don’t now and interact with them.

This is supporting the child to develop in their social skills. At my placement at snack time children are given fruit, one child goes around and gives fruit to each child while this happens the children are being read a story, or might interact in circle time. These activities help children develop in language skills and find it easier to talk amongst one another. They also develop in skills such as interacting and co operating with one another and also learn how to wait for their turn. Children learn new manners because the practitioner can teach them how to eat with their mouth closed, not speaking while chewing etc.

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Diversity means when you do not treat every one the same because of their gender, race, age, disability, learning abilities, cultural background. Everyone is different and because of this you should treat them equally because everyone is unique. Inclusive practice means helping each child take part in an activity no matter what their age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion, beliefs or sexual orientation is.

At my placement to respect diversity I acknowledge that at parents evening every child’s parent will not be able to speak English, so while giving the children letters to take home, I reminded ...

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A good essay with some good descriptions and examples. The examples are relevant and enhance the work by placing what the writer is discussing into context. The work could be enhanced by trying to develop the explanations about the effects on the child. The writer often attempts but does not always explain why things are important. ****