unit 4 CACHE - Health and Safety and Early Years Activities.

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Name: Nicholas Trainor          Pin:  11/711016               Centre Number: 448

E1 identify legislation which influences healthy, safe and secure environments for early year’s settings.

  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
  • Controller of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002
  • Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2006
  • Children Act 2006
  • The Food Safety Act 1990.

E2 Describe the procedures which will keep a child safe for each accidents, illness and injury.

Meningitis is a potentially fatal infectious disease. Some of the signs of meningitis are signs of severe headaches, Photophobia, nausea and vomiting and joint pains. When in the setting the immediate plan of action would be firstly reassure the child and isolate the child from the group and take them to a quite place. The next part of the plan would be to send someone to ring up the emergency services (999) also inform parents as soon as possible.

In the event of an asthma attack you must stay calm and reassure the child while helping the child find a comfortable position. You should give the child his/her blue relief inhaler and wait 5-10 minutes to see if the asthma attack has improved, if not you should phone for an ambulance after 10 minutes. You should also record the pulse and check the child’s breathing every 10 minutes. You should inform the parents.

In the case of a bump on head you should apply a cold compress and reassure that he or she will be ok. You would then send for first aid and record in accident book. Once you have recorded it in the accident book and the first aider is attending to the child you would fill out a head injury form and send it to parents. If the think the child is fine then once he/she has recuperated he can join the others but if you are worried record vital signs e.g. pulse, breathing, level of consciousness and eyes. If child is showing no improvement ring an ambulance and let the parents know.

For sickness and diarrhoea one of the most important things is you wear gloves and an apron to prevent any contamination towards you. The next step would be to isolate the child while reassuring him/her as keeping the child around others could cause infection to other children. You should also give the child plenty of water to drink to keep him/her hydrated. Next you should contact the parents to come pick up the child as he can’t stay at school with his infection. Double bagging is necessary for disposing of the waste to prevent any spillages from the bags; you should then clean the surrounding area with disinfectant then wash your hands thoroughly.

E3 Plan the appropriate care for a child aged 1 for a full day in the setting.

E4 Plan the appropriate care for a child aged 3 for a full day in the setting.

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E5 – s

When the practitioner is planning to provide the children with a challenging environment, he/she must take into account various aspects to the activity and whether it will work with the children, for example, health and safety. The practitioner must risk assess the area before taking the children there which would be in the health and safety policies and procedures required by the setting. The practitioner would have to make sure that, for example, the local park has no risks such as broken glass, gates that can’t be locked and concrete floors below climbing ...

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