Unit 9 - Explain how the application of relevant principles and values will enable professionals to provide holistic support for individuals who use social services.

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Student : Lissa Williams

Teacher : Bryan

Unit 9 – Values In Planning

Pass one – Explain how the application of relevant principles and values will enable professionals to provide holistic support for individuals who use social services.

Aims and Purpose

  • This unit examines the principles and processes of planning for within a legislative framework designed to support equality, diversity and rights
  • Effective planning is at the heart of a holistic approach to support, meeting needs by empowering and enabling individuals to make choices and participating in decisions about themselves.

Principles and Values 

Values can be political, social, moral and spiritual; and the values derived from our individual experience affect our behaviour.

To be treated in a dignified way

Being treated in a dignified way is the same as being respected, being treated in a dignified way is really important, Dignity shows that a person is respectable which will make the health and social care settings promote anti-discriminatory practice because it will be a way of showing equality and that everyone should be treated in a positive way.

To be respected

Being respected is more than important in a health and social care setting. Showing someone respect can show positivity towards them straight away, without having respect for your patient or client they could feel uncomfortable with being in your presence because they are not well valued by you.

To be allowed privacy

Privacy is also essential in a health and social care setting, without privacy clients could feel like they have no freedom of choice in what they choose to do, with privacy it enables their rights.

To be treated as an individual

Being treated as an individual in a health and social care setting is important. Some patients may not have their own choice in what they choose to do, which goes against them being treated as an individual, a child or has special needs should be treated as an individual especially in a health and social care setting so they are not feeling marginalised from others. They should be treated as their own person and not have decisions made by other.

To be cared for in a way that meets our needs and takes account of preferences and choices

To be cared for in ways that meet clients’ needs and their preferences and choices taken into account is important in a health and social care setting, effectively promoting and maintaining well-being and choice for people who use services meets their needs and criteria of how they want to be treated. Clients that can have their own say on how they want to be treated also promotes freedom and that too is important in a health and social care setting.  


Service users should have the power to control their lives as much as possible and that carers should assist the service user to make his or her own decisions whenever possible this is known as empowerment. Empowerment initially allows individuals to have their own rights in a health and social care setting. In health and social care all staff workers should empower individuals, the patient has a right to make a choice themselves and workers should respect their decision, otherwise this may result to the individual feeling devalued.

Promotions of rights

All individuals in health and social care environment have rights to confidentially, choice and to have their individuality acknowledged and respected. In health and social care settings individual rights is important as they should be respected in any circumstances. Individual’s rights can be promoted in many ways, for example help can be offered with language and communication for those who cannot communicate effectively due to illness, disabilities or because they are speakers of another language.

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Involvement of individuals in planning their support

Care should be person- centred, meaning that care is focused on the individuals to ensure that independence and autonomy are promoted.  This approach to support is often referred to as a person centred approach and ties in with the new personalisation agenda, which gives more choices to client about how they receive support


Safeguarding encompasses six key concepts: empowerment, protection, prevention, proportionate responses, partnership and accountability. Social care organisations play an important role in the protection of members of the public from harm and are responsible for ...

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