With reference to one animal or human disease, explain why its economic consequences can vary spatially.

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Emily Roscoe

With reference to one animal or human disease, explain why its economic consequences can vary spatially.


There are many diseases, which produce economic consequences and which can vary in their effect depending on location.  Some are Tuberculosis (TB), Malaria, Ebola Virus and AIDs.  Throughout this report I am going to focus on the AIDs virus.

        HIV is the Human immunodeficiency virus, and AIDs is the Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, which it causes.

        HIV is a slow retrovirus, which means that not only does it take months to show any symptoms and years to develop fully. It invades the white cells by reproducing itself backwards inside them.  The white cells are the ones, which would normally produce anti-bodies to aid the body’s defence against disease. It is therefore easily spread by bodily contact and possibly without them the carrier realising they have the disease. The body becomes the target of everyday infections and cell changes which cause cancer.

        While HIV/AIDs is clearly a health problem, the world has come to realise it is also a development problem that threatens human welfare, socio-economic advances, productivity, social cohesion, and even national security.  HIV/AIDs reaches into every corner of society, affecting parents, children and youth, teachers and health workers, the rich and the poor. In the last few years the highest growth of HIV/AIDs has been in women and children and therefore the world health organisation is recommended that all pregnant as screened for HIV/AIDs.

        Economic consequences of HIV/AIDs are:

  • The costs of funding research        
  • The cost of vaccinations
  • The loss of people of working age to the community
  • Loss of income due to reduced productivity leading also to reduction in GNP (Gross National Product)
  • Personal hardship – loss of the breadwinner.

The World Bank, in partnership with others, is working to roll back the spread of this global epidemic.  As the largest long-term investor in prevention and migration of HIV/AIDs in developing countries, the World Bank group is working with its partners to:

  • Prevent the further spread of HIV/AIDs among vulnerable groups such as women and children and in the general population;
  • Promote countries health policies and multi-sectional approaches (e.g. By working in education, social safety nets, transport and other vital areas);
  • Expand basic care and treatment for those affected by HIV/AIDs and their families, as well as for children whose parents have died of AIDs.
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Where did it come from?

The virus evolved in sub-Saharan Africa, crossing over from a group of chimpanzees to people in the 1930’s this could have been contaminated by meat or a bite from a pet.  A combination of international travel, urbanisation, contaminated blood, sexual promiscuity and intravenous drug use (IDU) produce a growing pandemic.

        AIDs was first seen in the human population in significant numbers in the USA (San Francisco).  In San Francisco Aids was regarded as the ‘Gay Plague’ as it was mostly found amongst homosexuals.  This prevented the heterosexual and straight community from regarding it seriously ...

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