Write an essay on the social and economic impact of alcoholic production and consumption in the form of a debate.

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Name: Anique Atherley

Form: U 6 Science 2

Write an essay on the social and economic impact of alcoholic production and consumption in the form of a debate.

This debate surrounding the social and economic impact of alcohol production and consumption involves two students, Adrian and Ashli. Adrian is arguing the positive social and economic effects of alcohol production and consumption while Ashli is focusing on the negative effects.

ADRIAN: Contrary to popular opinion, alcohol consumption does have many positive social effects. Alcohol in the form of rum and beer and so on has its place in Caribbean culture. In Barbados for example, there is a rum shop culture where mainly the male population of the island go rum shops to lime and socialize after work. It is a form of male- bonding and relaxation.

When one consumes moderate amounts of alcohol, (moderate amounts meaning 2-3 glasses of wine or beer for men and 1-2 glasses for women) one gets livelier, and more relaxed, talks more easily, and one feels less tired, and on a whole the body loosens up. There are claims that alcohol helps any to socialize.

One also needs to remember that consumption does not only involve the ingestion of alcohol. But also that alcohol is an excellent antiseptic, which is widely used in hospitals and in homes in the cleaning and treatment of wounds and other injuries to prevent infection and in the sterilization of instruments.

ASHLI: That may be so, but there are also many negative effects which alcohol has on people's social lives. Because alcohol is extremely miscible in water, it is readily distributed throughout the body in the aqueous blood stream within 10 minutes of consumption, effects of it peak after 40- 60 minutes. The alcohol affects many organs in the body such as the brain. Alcohol in the brain, while, as you said can cause the relaxation people consume it for, it also causes aggressive behaviour among individuals. Approximately 40% of aggressive incidents are due to alcohol influence on the individual(s) involved. Alcohol intake also has an influence on the brain, which causes irresponsible behaviour. Persons under the influence have an inability to say no and unwanted sex frequently occurs, this is because the intoxicated persons are relaxed as you say which makes them more willing to give in. More often than not, creating an unwanted child, which grows up in the alcoholic world in which its parents live. Parents, who drink often, have children who do not perform well in school, who play truant often and often drop out of school all together; parents who are constantly under the influence cannot support the children as they need to be supported, and the above effects consequently occur. Also persons who drink, usually are fired due to poor work performance and consequently become unemployed, which usually leads to more drinking and so the cycle continues. Alcohol is the cause for many marital problems and divorces, and also abusive relationships are largely due to alcohol.
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In fact Adri, the same rum shop culture you speak so highly of is the very thing pulling the fathers in the society away from their families, and so slows the development of family life in the country, causing the many divorces and marital problems I previously mentioned. The money that is used to buy the alcohol could also very well be used to support the children.

ADRIAN: Modern researchers believe that moderate amounts of alcohol can protect against cardiovascular diseases. It does so by reducing the plaque formation in the arteries, preventing arteriosclerosis, and it also ...

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