‘In origins and outcome, the Spanish Civil War was a Spanish and not a European affair.’ Discuss.

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‘In origins and outcome, the Spanish Civil War was a Spanish and not a European affair.’ Discuss.

Even 60 years after the Spanish Civil War no conformity can be found in the historiography about the events in the run-up of the Second World War. Dissension exists in particular not only with regards to the foreign influence on the preparations, process and outcome, but also towards the time, interests and the scale of foreign interventions. Domestically, Spain had to face two political extremes. On the one side, there was anarchism, a movement close to Marxist ideals and the other side Franco’s fascism. In Europe, policies not only made the fascist controlled states Germany and Italy, and the communist organized Russia, but also France and Great Britain were involved in the conflict. The fact is that foreign interventions had effects on the process and outcome of the civil war. In the course of that essay I would like to present not only the reasons for the war and the consequences of the foreign influence, but also the reasons and purposes of the individual state, that were involved. Besides this, it seems to be of vitally importance to disprove the claim, that the Spanish Civil War was a Spanish and not a European affair. In order to point out, why the conflict among the Spanish population was a domestic consequence, I therefore want to define the former Spanish circumstances and the history of origins.

At the time of Queen Isabella’s abdication, Giuseppie Fanelli founded an anarchistic movement in 1868 that preferred Bakunin’s ideology rather than Marx’s. Anarchism meant the opposition to hierarchical authority. That movement rejected not only the private ownership, but also the state and the church. It intended to abolish capitalism and every institution of suppression, it rejected however the communist workers state. In 1911 the anarcho-syndicalist trade union CNT (Confederacion National de Trabajo) was founded. During the First World War, Spain underwent a boom due to its neutrality. The prospering agriculture and the start of industrialisation in a country that was regarded as backward up to this point was followed by deep crisis in the 1920's. The majority of the population was still living on the land and about half was employed in agriculture. Little industrial developments and bad conditions in exports increased numbers starving and caused the migration into cities, in particular the industrial Barcelona. Two thirds of the land were in the hands of just two percent of the population. One third of the wealth was owned by the church, which lived in luxury. This showed the enormous inequity/inequality? of the land and wealth distribution and one reason for the increasing polarisation of the population, on the one side the working class, peasants and socialists, on the other side the landowners, capitalists, army and church. In 1923, the king appointed Primo de Rivera dictator, but removed him 1931 in order to rule the state by himself. After his shipwreck and abdication, the republic was proclaimed in 1931. At this time, the world's economy, including the Spanish, had to fight with the consequences of the Wall Street Crash, which had caused high inflation and unemployment of 30 per-cent.

        In the first election, the left forces were able to gain a majority and they started to push reforms with regards to labour conditions. However, for the working class the reform programme was not far-reaching enough and the government seemed to do little to improve their living conditions. The CNT was suppressed and numerous members imprisoned becuase the CNT called their members not to attend the election due to ideological reasons and the socialist party decided to contest the election without a coalition. These facts enabled an enormous victory for the right-orientated parties. They dismantled the Republic's social reforms. Employers and landowners celebrated the victory by cutting wages, sacking workers, evicting tenants, raising rents and defeating uprisings organised by the trade unions.  In 1936, the so-called Popular Front organised under Manuel Anzana as a coalition of republicans, social democrats and communists, was elected and the left came back to power, which meant the reintroduction of labour and agrarian reforms. The revolution peaked in terrorist actions and collectivisation of farms emerged. The CNT, joined by the UGT, started to fight against the passivity of the government and organised general strikes in every major city leading to the shutdown of the CNT.

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        The scared and provoked anti-republican right considered a coup headed by General Francisco Franco. The right and the economic leadership decided to batter the working class, because the parliamentary democracy did not seem to work and they could keep their wealth. Raymond Carr mentioned in his book ‘The Republic and the Civil War in Spain’ the fear of the right as follows:

‘What the right […] sensed was the threat of revolutionary change, which they detected […] in the actions of the C.N.T. and in the growth of the communist party’.

Even though many of them were opposed the ...

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