“Bismarck detested liberal western ideologies because they eroded God – given order” Explain Bismarck’s views on liberalism.

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2. "Bismarck detested liberal western ideologies because they eroded God - given order" Explain Bismarck's views on liberalism.

"By his statesmanship the frontier fringed with cannon, disappeared from within the limits

of the father land. No longer now German seeks to take the life of his brother German. What

Bismarck has done to Germany, still one greater had to the human race."

Indeed a great man. Why the constant anti-liberalism throughout his years, though liberalism had almost achieved his aim, several times before he did, then? I will justify Bismarck's so called practical-dictatorship and point out, and agree, using many extracts, the problems of liberalism. I will also, along the way, exonerate and justify, Bismarck's methods of achievement, and disprove the bourgeoisie claim of Bismarck being an oppressor or dictator.

Bismarck came to be the pivot of government, but within a constitutional framework, the many claims of dictatorship such as:

"He had appointed a ministry of clerks out of the Government Offices, who do as they are

told by him, threatening to resign whenever they disagreed with him, that they now vote

entirely in obedience to his instructions..."
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do not sound just like he has a monopoly of the court, but that a lot of MPs though him to be the Messiah of the Germanics. Parliament was never a complete wash away for Bismarck though and had to be manipulated.

"Constitutions, like the kings and parliaments that were components of them, could and

should be manipulated by the responsible minister."

Often this desire for quick and vigorous action made it necessary for him to cut through conservative scruples and official caution (liberal protocol). Rather than an authoritarian, he was a constitutionalist, who believed ...

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