“What arethe problems Historians associate with the term Fascism?”.

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“What are the problems Historians associate with the term Fascism?”

Fascism is one of the most important and interesting topics of history, but at the same time, one of the least analysed. The reason for this is the controversies and discussions this theme opens up, due to the different interpretations and definitions found for the term ‘Fascism’. Therefore the problems that Historians associate with the term Fascism all begin because firstly, it has no generally approved definition, also it is not known with certainty, which regimes should or should not be called fascist. Further more it has been too frequently used and quite loosely, finally reaching the point that it is known as a term for abuse. There is also the theory of ‘Generic Fascism’ that remains in discussion; some Historians say it does not exist and others argue that it does. Further on, all these problems will be more deeply analysed and explained for a better understanding of why fascism is such a problematic theme.

It is extremely hard, if not impossible, to know the exact definition of the term ‘fascism’. There are uncountable interpretations by Historians, political commentators and even philosophers, all coming up with different definitions for one single term. There are from page long definitions, to others like Israeli Historian Zeev Strenhell, who argues that fascism equals ‘nationalism + socialism’. This is much to simple to be able to explain fully what fascism is, since there can be many national socialist groups, but these are not in most cases necessarily fascist.

The American Historian, Stanley Payne, separated fascism into three stages: Ideology, referring mainly to authoritarianism, the goal of empire and a unified economic structure. The fascist negations, that are anti-communism, anti-liberal and anti-conservative, and lastly style and organisation, which includes heroic leadership, motivation of the youth, among others. Stanley Payne states therefore, that if a party or regime follows these steps exactly, they can be called fascist. The problem with this is that it too, is very general since it mentions factors which most right wing regimes and parties follow, thus making it seem that Payne sees them as fascist, when it is actually not so since he does not consider many regimes, including Franco’s in Spain, to be fascist.

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Lowe, on the other hand, separated fascism into five different points. A true fascist state must have extreme nationalism, a totalitarian system of government, one party state, economic self-sufficiency and finally military strength and violence. This categorization of fascism can be seen as a very accurate one, since it eliminates many countries, which are thought of as fascist but are not, since it does not follow each point given. Therefore, the fact that very few Historians share the same view of what fascism is, it makes it hard to judge which regimes and parties were truly fascist ones.

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