Advocacy - Sadaam Hussain.

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Advocacy – Sadaam Hussain

In a recent poll conducted by uvote for CNN the question was posed to the American public, do you trust Saddam Hussein? 94% said that they would never trust him, 5% said they weren’t shore, and the remaining 1% said that they would consider trusting him.  However, then they were asked to explain their answers.  Of the 94% that had said they would never trust the Iraqi leader only 5%, could come up with a reason for this point of view.  The more educated American said they didn’t trust Sadaam because he was “a bad, bad man”, whilst other answers included, “he don’t like America, why should we like him” and from one woman in Illinois, “I don’t know”.  

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So, why do we hate Sadaam so much?  I suggest, that the reason he is so greatly vilified is because our politicians need someone to shift the medias attention onto when affaires get a bit tricky at home.  In 1993, when it was discovered, on the 22nd June that John Major’s government had links to Asil Nadir, a man wanted on 13 counts of fraud worldwide, things looked bleak for the government.  However two days later when John Major himself was about to be investigated, Britain and America announced that they had found new evidence linking Sadaam Hussein to chemical ...

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