Analysis of Four Sources on the Causes of the Second World War.

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The Policy of Appeasement DBQ

Study the following FOUR passages - A, B. C and D - and answer both of the sub-questions which follow.

SOURCE A: From a memorandum written by Neville Chamberlain in November 1937. Chamberlain accepts the need to make concessions to Germany in order to preserve the peace of Europe.

 The German visit was from my point of view a great-success, because it achieved its object, that of creating an atmosphere in which it is possible to discuss with Germany the practical questions involved in a European settlement. Both Hitler and Goering said separately, and emphatically, that they had no desire or intention of making war, and I think that we may take this as correct, at least for the present. Of course, they want to dominate Eastern Europe; they want as close a union with Austria as they can get without incorporating her in the Reich, and they want much the same things for the Sudeten Germans as we did for the Uitlanders (the name given by the Boers to British settlers in South Africa) in the Transvaal.

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SOURCE B: From P J. Overy, The Origins of the Second World War, published in 1987. This historian argues that the policy of appeasement made goad sense in the context of previous British foreign policy.

The word that British statesmen chose to describe their response was appeasement'. It was an unfortunate choice, for it came to imply a weak and fearful policy of concession to potential aggressors. In fact appeasement was far more than that. It was mane or less consistent with the main lines of British foreign policy going back into the 19th century. By appeasement was meant ...

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