Arabi israli conflict

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Karlie Whitmore

History Coursework

The Arab/Israeli conflict…

Question one

At the heart of the conflict is the question of ‘whose land is it’?

Both the Israelis and the Palestinians believed that the land was theirs, here are the reasons why.

The Israelis felt that because their ancestors used to live there 4,000-5,000 years ago that they had the right to claim it back as their own. They also felt that God promised the land to them, it states this in the Jewish Bible therefore they believe the Bible speaks of truth. God gave them Palestine, and it can’t be given back, the past or government can’t change that, this is what they believe is true. The Jews/Israelis also say that c100 years ago the country of Israel did exist and built there in Jerusalem was their holy temple. In AD135 they were thrown out of this land by the Romans, even though they didn’t want to go, they had no choice. These Jewish people were then homeless and became scattered around the world, the Diaspora, where they were persecuted- killed and discriminated against. So the Israeli’s think because of all those unfair actions they should have the land back. They wanted the land so badly and felt they deserved it due to all the suffering that was upon them in the Holocaust. The final reason that I know of is because the British government told them that they could have it in the ‘Balfour declaration’ in 1917.

However, on the other hand the Palestinian’s will argue the land is theirs for the following reasons. In the 7th century, Islam was a new religion which developed in Arabia- now known as Saudi Arabia, inspired by Islam’s new religion they conquered all the countries of the Middle East, and they became settled by Muslim Arabs. They had been living there continuously for 1300 years and the land of Palestine has existed with Palestinians living in it since then. The last point is that British government told them that they could have control over it in the ‘McMahon letter during World War one.  

The conflict is still growing so the land was divided.

Palestine is now in control of the Gaza strip which is a densely populated narrow piece of land on the coast, as Israeli settlers pulled out in 2005. Sinai a large area of desert was captured by Israel in 1967, but was then returned to Egyptian territory in 1979. Golan Heights is a militarized area of high ground which Israel should have given back to Syria, but hasn’t because they say it’s theirs now, the have claimed it. In the West Bank many Jewish settlers built fortified settlements here and refused to leave even though Israel had handed it back to Palestinian control.  

The Jewish wanted what they called their homeland back, even though they hadn’t been living there for 2000 years it was still promised to them. So a group of people called Zionist’s worked together to try and get it, they wouldn’t settle for part of another country. The same day as the British mandate ended 14th May 1948, a man named David Ben Gurion who was a leader of the Jews in Palestine, a Zionist, declared that the state of Israel now existed. But this created the problem of Palestinian Refugees.

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Many wars broke out due to this conflict over land.

Since Israel’s existence it fought in many wars to keep the land, the first began in 1948 this was called the invasion of Israel. This occurred because Arab states felt Israel had no right to exist, but Israel refused to hand back the land which they had occupied in fighting. In 1967 the six-day war broke out, and even by the first day the Israelis had control of the sky. 15,000 Arab men were killed and only 1000 Israelis. The Yom Kippur war was next in 1973. Egypt and Syria ...

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