Assess the contribution made by the Jesuits to the Catholic Revival 1545-1600

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Assess the contribution made by the Jesuits to the Catholic Revival 1545-1600

The Jesuits are not only indicative of the developments in Catholic faith and theology but they also made a significant contribution in the Counter Reformation movement.  On a theological level, the Jesuits helped the Catholics to express their faith- a critical ingredient to Catholic revival.  The Jesuits made the Church infinitely stronger and better equipped to face the future in 1600 than it had been half a century earlier.  Spain, Italy and Portugal remained firmly Catholic while ground was recovered all over southern Germany and the Habsburg lands and eventually Poland and Rome were won back to Rome.

Seeing as the Reformation was on a theological plane, the Catholic response also existed along a theological plane.  The Jesuits were part of a wide movement in the Church that had existed since the fifteenth century where a high level of interest was place in meditative prayer and charitable works.  When these two concepts overlapped, the notion emerged whereby spiritual satisfaction could be expressed in a methodical way of life.  The Jesuits were a vehicle through which this could happen.  After the Council of Trent the Catholic Church, armed with its Tridentine decrees, placed renewed emphasis on continuous prayer, self-control and improvement, and particularly charity.  The Church was looking for a more practical religion where people could be actively involved, as argued by John Bossy.  An organisation that was a manifestation of these developments were the Jesuits.  By joining the Jesuits ones sense of spirituality was enhanced and such theological challenges that were desired would be provided.  Norvegus was one such Jesuit who undertook the spiritual challenge were he did the challenging task successfully of persuading Scandinavian theology students in the 1580’s to be Catholic.  The Jesuits had great security in their faith, shown, for instance, by their willingness at one point to do charitable works in Hamburg only to be lynched.  The Jesuits had such devout members for their methods of the four main stages of training, or weeks as they were knows, were totally unique.  The Jesuit would take the individual and train them up to moral standard whereby they could be presented to the church at the end of the process as someone who was spiritually and ethically strong.  The members of the Jesuits were thus indifferent to the world and its pleasures yet were equipped to work within it.    The Church, to its great advantage, was thus equipped with members who were certain of their faith and in their knowledge of God.

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The Jesuits were important in a spiritual sense for through their spiritual exercises they emphasised the important theological issue derived from an Aristotelian idea where the mind is employed to contemplate suffering of Christ and God.  Loyola takes this a stage further when he proposes that the mind can be used to motivate us into good and charitable apostolic action.  From Loyola’s contemplation for achieving love he outlines how you can meditate to understand, as suggested when he said, ‘Take my freedom, my memory, my understanding and use me as you wish.’  The ultimate outcome is that individuals had increased ...

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