BIsmarck and his Foreign Policy

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Bismarck was forced to contend with French revanchism- the desire to avenge the loss in the Franco-Prussian War. Bismarck adopted a policy of diplomatically isolating France, whilst maintaining cordial relations with the other nations in Europe, such as Russia and Austria. In order to avoid alienating Britain he declined to seek a colonial empire and an expansion of the navy. Bismarck's penultimate aim was to preserve peace and maintain German security, consequently he practiced Realpolitik.
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Bismarck's short time success was great, he desired to prevent war, and Germany was blessed by being the strongest industrial power on the continent. He also prevented anti-German coalition, and helped prevent Austria and Russia from coming to blows in the Balkans.

In 1872 he extended the hand of friendship to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Russia by the formation of the Dreikaiserbünd. This was a clever move by Bismarck, this was an alliance of three conservative monarchies designed to stop the spread of revolution in Europe and preserve the status quo in Europe. However the alliance had ...

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