Colonial powers: Indigenous people of Australia and the Native Americans

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Compare and contrast the impact colonial powers had on the indigenous people of Australia and the Native Americans.

There are many disputes to whether it was for the better or worse that the English had arrived in Australia and taken over. But the case still stands why the aboriginals had to tolerate the abuse, massacres and imported disease along with the loss of rights just because they were not as civilized. The Aboriginals were the first people to live in this country for over 45,000 years. Before the English had arrived they had an approximately a population of about 750,000. There is no excuse to the way they were treated but sadly they were not the only ones who were miss treated. Other indigenous communities around the world such as the American Indians were facing similar problems.

The Aboriginals were facing the same problems everyday with the English. They were constantly being physically and mentally abused. Looked up for no reason in particular, no food and shelter and just getting pushed around all day. Some disputes would have been because of language, land and rights. The English would have the upper hand because of weaponry and technology. When the English came they brought with them alcohol, which later had a detrimental effect on the Aboriginals as there was a lot of abuse within the communities.

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The Native Americans were enslaved and forced to work in mines. This resulted in women killing their new born babies, men jumping off cliffs or consuming poisons. The European colonization had had a massive affect on the Native American population. Conflicts arose regularly between the Native Americans and the Europeans. Many people were imprisoned and abused during this time.

The Aboriginals’ population had decreased dramatically due to massacres. These massacres may not have been intentionally for a specific reason but much of the population had decreased from this. One of the well known massacres to occur in the ...

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