Compare and contrast different fortunes of native, hispanic and asian americans

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Compare and Contrast the Different Fortunes of Native Americans with Hispanic and Asian Americans from 1865 to 1929.

        The period of 1865 was a time of unrest and unsettlement for Native Americans, who were previously left to their own devices on the Great Plains, occupying their time in their cultural norms, such as hunting and practising their own religious beliefs. However by 1865, there was increasing westward migration with white settlement on the Great Plains, which was further increased with the help of the transatlantic railroad across the continent. Also, the previously freed slaves, were granted the homestead act, which saw a migration of 20,000 to westward onto the plains. This left Native Americans with limited land and a downgrading of their previous way of life, leading to clashes with the army, such as the Plains Wars.

        Hispanic Americans, however did not clash so much with the white population because of the belief that they were only short term workers, although there was conflict over the fact that they were Spanish speaking, Roman Catholics. Unlike Native Americans, Hispanics were forced into the USA as a result of the war with Mexico, where California, Arizona and New Mexico were absorbed into the USA. The majorities of Hispanics became Labourers in Ghettos and like Native Americans, were deprived of their land.

        Asian Americans migrated through choice into the USA, to work in the gold mines and do the jobs, which no one else wanted to do. They were resented because of their alternative appearance and actions, for example males choosing a bride through pictures. In 1865, Chinese felt welcome into the USA for work purposes, however exploitation wasn’t far off. Japanese Americans were denied citizenship on first migration and were met with hostility and seen as taking all the jobs.

        It is clear the all of the above groups received hostility with the white population, but this essay will compare and contrast the fortunes of the groups from 1865 to 1929.

        When looking at the fortunes of the different race groups in the USA, it is important to firstly look at running themes, which were faced by all groups. I feel that poverty was an issue faced by all groups in the period of 1865 to 1929. Native Americans, in particular experienced high levels of poverty and lost their lands in which they had built their lives on. Made to live on reservations, due to white settlement, it was impossible to sustain their traditional hunting. Furthermore, the buffalo had become extinct, due to white killings, meaning the Native Americans had to depend on white generosity, which was unreliable. As a result, Native Americans were left starving and abandoned. The Dawes Act assigned land to the head of each family, although this only led to more poverty as they received the poorest land. The key theme in Native American poverty was the fact that the majority of Native American families continued to live isolated on reservations in hunger, disease and hardship. Throughout the late 1800s Native Americans were desperate as the government had cut meat subsidies to Sioux reservations and there was already a large reduction in cattle, due to disease. Native Americans were left starved and poor.

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        Asian Americans didn’t suffer poverty to the same high level as Native Americans or in the same way. The poverty in which Asian Americans experienced was due to exploitation of workers. Migration to the USA was influenced by their decision to work in the newly discovered gold industry, however were excluded by the English, German and Irish and driven into jobs, which no one else wanted. This led to increased exploitation and minimal wages. Unlike Native Americans, Asian American poverty was based on low pay and poor job opportunities, rather than suffering due to starvation and loss of land. Therefore ...

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