Contrast The Contribution Made By Mazzini, Cavour and Garibaldi to Italian Unification

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Contrast The Contribution Made By Mazzini, Cavour The unification of Italy was a complicated process that started from the 1790s and lasted until the conquest of Rome by the Italian troops in 1871. The Napoleonic Era, however, did not forecast such an outcome of things: at the beginning of the XIX century Italy consisted of separate states   that were ruled first by the French, then by the Austrians who did not think about the unity. The 1820s and 1830s signalized the urging need of Italy to change – people missed the partial freedom that Napoleon gave them and wanted to participate in governing, which was impossible as long as Austria held so much influence within the peninsula. The revolutions of 1820-1 (Piedmont) and 1831-2 (Papal States) showed the citizens that a change is possible. The revolution of 1848 and 1849 gave more hope to the Italian patriots all over the country, for they saw that Milan was able to hold back Austria for some time and for Piedmont was beginning to gain the position of a leader within the States. The shrewd policies of the Piedmontese government and the significant conquests at the South of the Peninsula led to the creation of The Kingdom of Italy in 1861 and then connection of Rome and Venetia. Three people clearly played a great role in the process of unifying the State: Giuseppe Mazzini, the ideological leader of the Italian patriots and the creator of the famous Young Italy, Giuseppe Garibaldi, a skillful military man that to this day is seen as the Italian national hero and Camillo Cavour, the Prime Minister of Piedmont from 1852 to 1861. All of them shared a great contribution towards the Unification, but they took actions at different paths: Mazzini was an ideological leader, Garibaldi – a military one and Cavour a political one. Spreading the nationalistic and
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patriotic ideas was Mazzini’s field of action. He was born in Genua in 1805 which at that time was under the rule of the French, so from the beginning he was interested in the revolutionary movements: he became a member of the Carbonari. Because of being a revolutionary, he was arrested in 1831. The events that strongly influenced a great part of his youth created a great patriot in him and awoke the thoughts of the Unification. He clearly did not trust the government to introduce any changes and believed that the Italian people could make the situation of the ...

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This is a knowledgeable response which devotes equal weighting to each of the three figures and uses comparison to explore their strengths. There is a strong amount of detail throughout, although sometimes the author's points are weakened by poor grammar; proof-reading is essential. 4 out of 5 stars.