Coursework on discussing whether television was an important reason why the United States lost the war in Vietnam using sources D to K (provided by centre)

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The statement below suggests that television was an important reason why the United States lost the war in Vietnam. Is there sufficient evidence in Sources D to K to support the interpretation? Use the sources and your own knowledge to explain your answer.


        In this essay I will be studying Sources D to K and saying weather they support what the statement above says and weather they agree with my own knowledge to why the United States lost the war in Vietnam.

        The United States lost the war in Vietnam for several reasons including the United States soldiers finding it difficult to cope with the Vietnamese Guerrilla tactics because they were not used that way of fighting as they were a conventional fighting army. The weakness of the United States army contributing to the fact that the American troops used drugs which further reduced the effectiveness of United States forces in Vietnam. In 1971 5000 men were treated in hospital for combat wounds and 20 000 for drug abuse. The fact that the American troops used drugs and sometimes ‘fragged’ their own officers suggests low morale among them. The troops often didn’t know what they were fighting for or didn’t believe in their cause while on the other hand the morale of the Vietcong and North Vietnamese troops was much better this was because of their belief in their cause of what they were fighting for. Another reason why the United States lost the war in Vietnam was because of the media showing the public harsh images of the US tactics including the development of chemical warfare and its use by the Americans in the Vietnam War which led to student and protest movement. Particular events which caused opposition of public opinion are The Tet offensive, students being shot at Kent State, The My Lai Massacre, images of the harsh US tactics used against the Vietnamese and the publication of Operation Phoenix and the Pentagon Papers. The opposition of the war included the Burning of Draft cards, students becoming involved in anti-war demonstrations, Black civil rights leaders demonstrating. Another factor which caused the US to leave Vietnam was the initial cost of the war which was 20 billion a year this interfered with the great society.  

        In this essay I will see if there is enough evidence in Sources D to K to support the interpretation that colour television was an important reason to why the United States lost the war in Vietnam. I intend to do this by using Sources D to K and my own knowledge as to why the United States lost the war Vietnam, given above which I will expand on when studying the sources. I will now look at each source and say whether they support the statement or not. To decide whether it supports the statement I will use what the source tells me about why the United States left Vietnam and my own knowledge to why the US left Vietnam.

        Looking at source E is a photograph of Napalm victims which was published during the Vietnam War. The source shows a boy and a girl being burned with napalm and United States soldiers chasing after them. This is a very important factor to why the United States left Vietnam as it shows innocent victims of napalm which would have been shown to the American public through the media including colour Television. Napalm came, along with other chemicals, was used by the Americans. Chemicals were sprayed in Jungle areas to kill the vegetation so they couldn’t use the jungle to cover. They used them to destroy crops so they had no food supply; they punished villages for helping the communist and sometimes even set villages alight. This was meant to convince the peasants not to help the Vietcong as they had no choice but to resettle in villages away from the Vietcong controlled areas. So then the Americans and ARVN could isolate guerrillas. In the process of going into villages, they would shoot cows and bur all the rice. They also used Agent Orange; this was a defoliant which contained dioxin which could cause cancer. Women gave birth to deformed children and the soldiers would also be contaminated as they would wash in the river. Both sides would loot dead bodies and take ears as trophies. The USA would use cluster bombs (the Vietnam gave them the name mother bombs) they exploded in the air and released 600 smaller ones when they hit the ground and exploded into metal pellets which would wound people. Eventually the USA went on to using fibre glass so it would not be detected by X-ray. Napalm, as shown in this source, was another tactic used by the Americans; it explodes and showers the surrounding victims with a burning petroleum jelly which sticks to the skin and burns at 800°C. They then began to put polystyrene so it stuck to the skin. Under water it would stop so they then added white phosphorus, which makes it burn better under water, it would burn down to the bone.   So this source, backed up with my own knowledge, supports the statement that colour television was an important reason to why the United States lost the war in Vietnam.

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        Source G is an American soldier talking about the My Lai Massacre. He writes about how most of the soldiers had never been away from home. It also says that the soldiers had to slaughter whole villages of men and women. This source agrees with my own knowledge of the My Lai Massacre. The My Lai massacre was a massacre of Vietnamese civilians by U.S. soldiers. On March 16, 1968, a unit of the US army Americal division, led by Lt. William L. Calley, invaded the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai, an alleged Viet Cong stronghold. In the ...

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