Critically examine the factors which accelerated the decolonisation process in Southeast Asia.

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Critically examine the factors which accelerated the decolonisation process in Southeast Asia.

The end of the Second World War also saw to the ending of the colonial rule in not just countries like India but also in Southeast Asian states. The decolonisation process in Southeast Asia would not have moved at such unprecedented speeds had it not been for the opportunities provided by the Japanese during their occupation in Southeast Asia that helped to provide a stepping stone to the local nationalists, as well as the white men supremacy being displaced and external circumstances. This essay aims to examine how factors such as the effects of Japanese policies helped to boost the roles of nationalists; how the displacement of the white men supremacy among the people in Southeast Asia accelerated the decolonisation process; the willingness of colonial masters to give up their hold of the Southeast Asian States and thus concluding with how external pressures from the USA ultimately led to the colonial masters having no option but to give up its hold of Southeast Asian countries.

The Japanese Occupation provided nationalists extended political influence that was previously impossible under colonial rule thereby allowing them to gain momentum, experience and strengthen their position in their country, leading the country to remove the colonial masters. During the Japanese Occupation, the Japanese gave nationalists resources such as military hardware to sponsorship of new mass organizations to organize their movements with. Southeast Asians who has occupied junior positions in the colonial bureaucracy were advanced to higher positions. Many Southeast Asians countries were also given some form of independence towards the end of the Occupation when the Japanese wanted to gain additional support in the face of defeat. This granting of political influence would give the people an increased sense of confidence in their right and ability to govern themselves. In Indonesia, the opportunities provided gave nationalists such as Sukarno experiences of a real political theatre. While in Burma, the Japanese Occupation contributed to the rise in radical student movements which made significant advancements in Burma's nationalistic movements. Furthermore the activities of the AFPFL against the Japanese made its leader Aung San a Burmese hero, thereby gaining further popularity and thus allowing the AFPFL to fulfil its aspirations of removing the colonial masters, which accelerated the decolonisation process. Furthermore the devastation caused by the war had left many Southeast Asians a great desire to be left alone and were no longer willing to be used as a pawn in the conflicts between empires.

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Furthermore, due to the thoroughly politicised masses during wartime, the nationalists movements proved too strong to be willing to accept the re-imposition of colonial rule, which speeded up the decolonisation process. The strengthened nationalist movements were too energised to accept the reassertion of the colonial status quo. At the very least, they wanted some recognition of their increased influence. Very often, they were able to take advantage of the complex situation straight after the Japanese surrendered, and before the Allied reoccupation, to consolidate their position. Also, the colonial masters too some time to reoccupy Southeast Asia in the wake ...

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