Describe the relations between these Wartime allies from 1945 to 1948.

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Describe the relations between these Wartime allies from 1945 to 1948.

The relations between the West who were France, Britain and the U.S.A and the East who were the Soviet Union, changed dramatically during 1945 to 1948 as they went from fighting against Hitler and the Nazi’s to fighting against each other. The main problem was their opposing views. The West believed in capitalism where as East believed in it was right to live as communists. These views became a problem after the war had ended and the future of Germany had to be decided. To describe the relations between these wartime allies, events that occurred between 1945 and 1948 concerning the East and West must be examined, starting with from the end of the war.

In February 1945 the allies successfully invaded Germany and the Nazis. The Red army, who was the Soviet Union’s army, reached Berlin first, despite the Prime Minister of Britain, Churchill wanting the West to. He wanted to race Stalin who was the leader of the Soviet Union to the German capital as the West would have an advantage at the peace conference at Yalta. This was evidence of a slight division between the West and East even before the war had ended. During the invasion of Germany plans to end the the future of this country had to be decided, so Stalin, Churchill, and the president of the U.S.A met at the seaside resort of Yalta, in the Soviet Union. Here they discussed plans for ending the war and making a settlement. They agreed that the people of the countries liberated from Nazis rule should be allowed to set up their own democratic, independent government. They also decided that Germany and Berlin should be divided into four zones and each part would be occupied by one of the allies. Another issue that was agreed on was that 20 billion dollars would be taken from Germany as reparations and half of the money would be given to the Soviet Union. The overall effect that the Yalta peace conference had on the relations between the East and the West was positive as there was much agreement, and the leaders seemed to co-operate with each other as they had worked closely during the war.

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The main reason the Yalta conference was successful was because the leaders had worked well together throughout the war, and so they knew each other, and appeared to be ‘friends’. But this was about to change, as in March 1945 President Roosevelt died so Truman took over to as the new president of America. This effected relations, as Truman was very suspicious of Stalin. Also Churchill was defeated in the general election in July and Atlee was elected as the new Prime Minster of Britain. He also added to the suspicions of Stalin.

 The change of leaders had a major ...

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