Did Lenin Transform Russia?

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Lenin, was the leader of the Bolshevik party and the head figure of the Russian revolution of 1917. During his reign from 1917 to 1924 he ruthlessly  pursued his aims toward the creation of a socialist workers’ paradise with the help of his secret police. For this man the end justified the means and his idealism did not blind him from pragmatic solutions. Although Lenin would from time to time do a complete U-turn with his policies and introduce something which was in stark contrast with the principles of Marxism, he never lost sight of his goals

Following the Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin and his new communist government initiated many reforms. They took land from the Tsar, the church, nobles and other landlords, and redistributed it among the peasants in order to reform the agricultural sector and reward the peasants for their loyalty during the Revolution.

Labour conditions were improved with working hours limited to a maximum of eight hours a day, and forty hours a week. The capitalists who had always owned the factories and farms had been profit driven, neglecting basic human rights of workers.

Exploitative working conditions existed with no work breaks or time off. Children born to parents from the working class were not allowed to attend schools. They began working at an early age, and before 1921, child exploitation and abuse in Russian factories and industrial areas was common. Many women also suffered miscarriages due to insufficient health facilities.  Under the new rule factories were placed under the control of elected committees of workers.

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Lenin realised that the people who had helped him overthrow the provisional government were mostly poor and could not afford to pay for their education. He embarked on providing free education, especially for adults. In the past, education had been reserved for the nobility and a few members of the middle class. He realised that adults had been denied being able to read and write, so Lenin introduced evening classes for workers. This education included a strong component on communism.

Civil war broke out immediately after Lenin took over government. The White Army and the Red Guards, which was renamed ...

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