"Earl Grey was no fan of electoral reform." Why then, did his administration go to pass the Reform Act of 1832?

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"Earl Grey was no fan of electoral reform." Why then, did his administration go to pass the Reform Act of 1832?

In November 1830 Wellington was forced to resign and the Whigs under the power of Earl Grey were asked to form a Government. Earl Grey was a wealthy aristocrat and in no means in favour of political reform, however it was under his power in 1832 that the first political Reform Act was passed. There were several factors as to why Earl Grey went against all that he believed in during his time in government, however primarily his goal was to remain in power.

The collapse of the Tory Government was a key factor as to why Earl Grey supported electoral reform. The Tories had consistently refused to extend the vote, arguing that ownership of property rather that the number of voters was the hallmark of Britain's successful political system. However this policy was not successful for the Tories and Earl Grey was conscious that in order to remain in power and control any further uprising he would have to be in favour of political reform.

Earl Grey was also aware how quickly the situation could escalate within Britain if change was not produced for the working classes. 1789 had witnessed the beginning of a political revolution in France. Many people began to revolt against the monarchy and aristocracy protesting against the unjust hierarchical system. This led to even more repression of the lower classes from the King with the introduction of an aristocratic government in 1830. King Charles X heavy-handed style of ruling and his failure to give the French public what they wanted, developed into a huge revolution causing the death of thousands and concluding in the death and expulsion of the monarchy. Earl Grey feared that unless reform was produced quickly a similar situation would arise in Britain.
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The American Revolution also highlighted a need for change. Britain's repressive governing style had led to the loss of its American colonies. High taxes and constant repression led to America declaring independence and in turn allowed Britain to view the consequences of a repressive Government. The American Revolution also inspired many pro-reform writers, publishing woks about the unfair political system that existed within Britain.

Earl Greys main objective was to remain in power, he was aware that if he did not introduce social reform then he would lose votes in favour of the opposition. The Whigs ...

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