Explain why the French monarchy faced financial crisis in the 1770s

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Explain why the French monarchy faced financial crisis in the 1770s

In the 1770s, France was in a dire financial situation and faced a severe financial crisis, which ultimately led to become a short-term cause of the French Revolution itself. France’s poor economy, dismal political condition and the subsequent period of failure of reform gave way to a disastrous period for the French monarchy. The financial crisis that the monarchy faced was largely due to the cost of war and the issue of taxation.

In the 18th century, France would have appeared prosperous due the vast amount of land it possessed. France however, was not a much-industrialised country (due to the fact those with the potential to create wealth did not provide for the welfare of the nation) with the vast majority of the population living outside of the cities. Being a highly rural economy meant that a bad harvest could send prices through the roof and detrimentally impact industry and trade. This meant that France was unable to rely on industrial wares for money but on the produce of agricultural goods. The land was also not utilised as well as possible and with a string of bad harvests, France was also no longer able to rely on its agricultural goods either. This would become and even worse problem after the signing of the Eden Treaty in 1786.

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France’s foreign policy was also a major contributing factor to the financial crisis. Between 1701 and 1763, France had fought four expensive wars: War of Spanish Succession (1701-13), War of Polish Succession (1733-35), War of Austrian Succession (1740-48) and the Seven Year War (1756-63). To finance these wars the finance ministers were required to take out large loans at high levels of interest. One can see the repercussions of such extensive borrowing with the country’s expenditure for financing war debt being 318 million lives (51% of total expenditure) in 1788. The King needed to raise a lot of money to ...

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