Explore your response to DH Lawrence's

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Explore your response to DH Lawrence’s “Odour of Chrysanthemums” (1911). In what ways is your response to this story similar or different to another modernist story?

DH Lawrence’s “Odour of Chrysanthemums” and James Joyce’s “A Painful Case” are similar in the way that they both revolve around a central character who changes their perspective on life due to the death of somebody they knew. However both stories demonstrate this in different ways.


“Odour of Chrysanthemums” begins with a setting involving a contrast between a “clanking” steam engine and a “coppice”, “oak leaves”, “birds” and a “reedy pit-pond”. The woman carrying the basket is trapped between on one side machinery and the other, nature. The description is effective due to the onomatopoeic words such as “clanking”, phrases such as “threats of speed” and similes such as “flames like red sores licking it’s ashy sides”.


As the boy and Elizabeth are heading home the boy tears at “ragged wisps of chrysanthemums” and drops the petals “in handfuls along the floor”. This and later references to chrysanthemums are symbolic to Elizabeth’s husband and their marriage. In this case the torn petals may represent the death of the Elizabeth’s husband, which she is at this point oblivious to. The use of chrysanthemums as symbols is shown clearly again as when the daughter says “Don’t they smell beautiful” Elizabeth replies with “Not to me. It was chrysanthemums when I married him, chrysanthemums when you were born” and also mentions “brown chrysanthemums” in her husband’s button hole the first time he was ever “brought home drunk”. The chrysanthemums at first represent their happiness as a couple yet the brown chrysanthemums represent their marriage dying away.


Elizabeth’s anger is then shown, but it is cooled by the line “her anger wearied itself, lay down to rest, opening its eyes from time to time” which is both personification and a metaphor. Her reaction to her husband’s absence gives a clear view of how she sees him at this point in the story. She is bitter towards him and resents him for his drinking yet she relies and depends on him as a father. The fact that she waits up for him shows this as does the phrase “her anger was tinged with fear”.

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When his mother arrives and she realises her husband may be dead her worries are mainly financial such as “would she be able to manage on the little pension” but she even worries of “how tiresome would he be to nurse” if he was still alive. This highlights her negative fixation of him in her mind. This reaction contrasts to the mother’s who cries and says that he was a “good lad”, “a happy lad at home” and questions why he became “such a trouble”. The mother feels that she knew her son well and she can only bear ...

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