German horror at the terms of the Treaty of Versailles was the result of unrealistic expectations. Explain why you agree or disagree with this view.

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German horror at the terms of the Treaty of Versailles was the result of unrealistic expectations’. Explain why you agree or disagree with this view.

German horror at the terms of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 could be interpreted as equitable. President Wilson Woodrow’s Fourteen Points (a program proposing world peace) stated the importance of the right of national self-determination as a basis for a just peace however, the Germans were in fact denied this right. Millions of Germans were living in non-German states such as Czechoslovakia and Poland. Allied occupation of western Germany led to continuous friction, German nationalists were outraged as patriotic songs and festivals were banned in French areas. It can be argued that it is not an ‘unrealistic expectation’ for German’s to have self-determination as it is a basic right and they were unable to celebrate their own traditions after being taken over by foreign countries. The ‘war guilt clause’ was seen as an unjust national humiliation science Germans believed they had been forced into a just war against the allies who had attempted to encircle Germany. The triple entente meant that Russia, France and Britain surrounded Germany, making them feel threated as they could potentially ally and attack at any time. This again was not a result of ‘unrealistic expectations’ as it was unfair for Germany to be allied against. Also making Germany pay £6.6 billion towards reparations could also be deemed as unjust as it was not only Germany partaking in the war, the allies were also responsible for damage. The reparations obviously effected German citizens and it was not fair to make them suffer as Weimar Germany was seriously damaged because of this. German citizens were angry as everyone felt it would cripple the German economy and people were not ready to accept that the ‘war guilt clause’.

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However, while Germans were horrified at the Treaty of Versailles, it could be argued that they deserved what they got after the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1918. The German’s had ruthlessly punished Russia, they had broken up the western part of the Russian Empire and seized lots of territory. The German war aims of 1914 again included the annexation of enemy territory to expand Germany’s colonial empire and a very severe reparations bill for the defeated allies. If Germany had won the war, the would have imposed worse terms on the allies so it could be argued that Germany definitely had ...

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