How far did Alexander III successfully solve the problems he faced in 1881, by the end of his reign in 1894?

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How far did Alexander III successfully solve the problems he faced in 1881, by the end of his reign in 1894?

This could be argued that Alexander III was successful to a certain level in order to solve the problems he faced when he came to power by the end of his reign. He implemented various solutions to the difficulties he overcome during the start of his power. However not all the measures he took still existed towards the end of his reign, some of the measures he took didn't work and hence the problem was still there while few of the measures continued under his son Nicholas. The problems he faced upon becoming the Tsar and the solutions he implemented that continued till the end of his reign were as follow:

He faced the problem of keeping the world’s largest multi-ethnic empire together. In order to solve the language barrier and restrict the language diversity allowed across the empire while also bringing unity, he enforced the policy of Russification insisting on the Russian language. People were forced to adapt to the Russian customs and tradition and had to speak Russian which was made a compulsory language across the country. This policy reached new levels of implementation under Alexander III. People strictly obeyed this policy throughout his Tsar life and was continued under Nicholas II too. Another difficulty he faced upon becoming Tsar was that he had to maintain his supreme political power since his father had become reforms which raised expectations of major changes within Russia. This was a major success during the reign of Alexander III as there was a vast increase level of improvement in industrial development that continued under Nicholas II. A major part in this was played by Minister of Finance named Sergie Witte who encouraged foreign investment and placed the Russian robel (Russian currency) on the gold standard. Since there was a lot of pressure that he had to face from some of his advisers in order to reform his empire to make it more like Western and central Europe - how they have an elective parliament and reformed autocracy, he overcome this problem by ordering Okhrana to censor all the foreign books and newspapers to prevent dangerous foreign ideas such as democracy and parliamentary government to reach to the mind of Russian people’s mind. This repressive policy continued under Nicholas.

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When Alexander III became Tsar, Russia was in crisis following the assassination of his father. Supreme political authority was unexpectedly handed over to his hands as he suddenly became Tsar of the worlds’ largest country; he had immense challenges that he had to face. He had to bring the country to a stable state. Besides putting an end to the revolutionaries, Alexander III took numerous steps in order to aim to restore Russia like it was before to its pre-situation. In 1884, he established a new University Statue. This statue abolished university independence and restricted students' political activities. The secondary ...

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