How far did Russia undergo economic and political modernization from 1881-1905?

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How far did Russia undergo economic and political modernization from 1881-1905?

Between 1881 and 1905 Russia underwent some significant changes to make it a more modern state. In 1881 Russia had just had their Tsar (Alexander II) assassinated, this meant that Alexander III, who was now Russia’s newest and most repressive Tsar. Alexander II had introduced reforms, for example the emancipation of Serfs, this gave him the title of Tsar “Liberator”. After the assassination of his father, Alexander III introduced a manifesto, which stated that he had absolute political power. In 1881 Russia was considered to be one of Europe’s great power (this was purely judged on its’ military strength) however in economical value, Russia in comparison with France and Germany, was falling very behind. To some extent Russia modernized however in other ways it almost seemed to become more brutal in some of its political views against Russia’s main social class the peasants. There ware many dilemmas for the Tsar’s faced with the opportunity to modernise. To some extent modernisation and industrialization was desired, however it was also seen as a great threat to the Tsarist regime as aristocrats believed it would be hard to maintain an autocratic system after seeing western European countries forming democratic states with their own parliaments. The Russian government had to compromise between modernisation and a revolution. It proved to be very hard to modernise under an autocratic system.

Tsarist Russia followed an autocratic system, this meant the tsar had no limits on his power, he was answerable only to God and he could pass laws on his own and therefore was the only person in the whole of Russia with enough power to reform it. Under Tsarist rule there was no parliament and only the aristocrats had any say on the way Russia was run.  However to the Russian people it seemed as if Alexander had taken a backward step in modernizing the political and economic ways after his fathers’ reforms prior to 1881. This encouraged an increasing number of revolutionary parties forming underground. The political uprisings came from many middle class people and as Russification occurred, a large number of ethnic groups began to rebel and revolt as well. In 1881 Russia’s economy was in a terrible state, unlike Germany, Russia had not industralised and this meant that in the Franco Prussia wars, Germany had much less war equipment.

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There were many reasons for holding Russia back from industralising. The sheer size of Russia meant that communicating from one end of Russia to the other was virtually impossible. This was because there was a lack of transport, for example there was only 1,500 miles of track where as England managed to have 15,000 miles of track.  Another important reasons for Russia not undergoing modernization was that 82% of society was peasants and only 4% ( only 800,000) were urban workers. However possibly the most important reason for not industralising was the upper class and the aristocrats were extremely ...

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