How far did the policy of industrialisation meet Stalin's objectives by 1941

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How far did the policy of industrialisation meet Stalin’s objectives by 1941?

Stalin wanted rapid industrialisation for the USSR when he came to power and the reason for this was to meet two major objectives. Sources A, B and C help historians to answer this question, alongside other knowledge.

Stalin’s first objective was rapidly industrialise the USSR to be able to compete with other countries, I know this from Source A in which Stalin talks about why the USSR need to industrialise. It tells us that “to slacken the tempo of industrialisation would mean falling behind. And those who fall behind get beaten. We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries”. In source A Stalin is arguing that the USSR needs to industrialise or it shall continuously get beaten, Stalin was clearly fearful that the USSR wasn’t strong enough to compete with the other advanced countries of the world and felt that the USSR had to industrialise and do it as quickly as possible. The USSR was not as advanced as many countries, was industrially backwards and mostly produced in agriculture, Stalin wanted to the change this through the policy of rapid industrialisation. Stalin also wanted to make the USSR self sufficient and strong and felt that the USSR needed the support of the working class, source A refers to how the USSR have obligations to the world proletariat and industrial development could arise through this.

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Also, from my own knowledge I can suggest that Stalin wanted to industrialise to be able to compete with other countries because there had always been a sense of competition with the west even pre-world war one. Much of the west was capitalist and as communism was a total opposite then there was a sense of hostility, this therefore raised fears with Stalin as he was convinced that there was going to be conflict. Many western countries also supported the Mensheviks during the Russian civil war and opposed Stalin’s Bolshevik Party, again Stalin feared this would be carried out onto ...

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