How far do the sources suggest that the British army leaders were not concerned with the welfare of soldiers in the Crimean War?

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How far do the sources suggest that the British army leaders were not concerned with the welfare of soldiers in the British army?

These sources clearly suggest that the British army leaders had not been concerned about the welfare of the British soldiers.

However keeping this in mind, in source 2 Lord Raglan states “my thoughts are occupied in attempting to provide for the various needs” but also within this source he also mentions that it was not in his power to “lighten the burden of their duties” but we know that Raglan had been one of the main in charge so this suggests that Raglan had been trying to shift the blame off himself in order to preserve his own reputation. Moreover, within this source which is a letter to Queen Victoria which was written to persuade her that he himself was doing his utter most that he could for the troops but even with this, Raglan had let slip that there had obviously been problems and he had known this as he states that “much has been said in private letters of the inefficiency” but continues to write to persuade that he had not done wrong. As this had been a letter to the Queen from Lord Raglan himself we can not entirely trust its provenance as he would not have been willing to straight up admit all his faults.

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When looking at sources 1 and 3 it is clear that they disagree with what was said in Raglans letter, within source 1 William Russell is writing about the extremely poor conditions that the soldiers had been in, and also about how there had been no appropriate supplies organised,  for example essentials such as warm clothing or waterproof equipment. William Russell within this report also made a bold statement saying “not a soul seems to care “which contradicts with what was said in Raglans letter when he had mentioned that he was doing his best to provide for the soldiers ...

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