How far do you agree that the terms of the Paris peace settlements were too harsh?

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How far do you agree that the terms of the Paris peace settlements were too harsh?

Most parts of the treaties of the Peace of Paris, particularly in the treaty of Versailles were a cruel corruption of justice. The victorious powers placed extreme demands on Germany that went far beyond simple justice. The Treaty of Versailles was an exceedingly cruel document. Above all harsh was the implication of ‘war guilt’ placed solely on Germany. Germany was required to accept the allegations from the Allies that it was solely to blame for the war. How could Germany be the only country to blame for the war? It had started when a Serbian shot an Austrian.

Right from the beginning of the Peace conferences there was uncertainty about what should be done. Some felt the aim was to punish Germany, others felt it was necessary to cripple Germany to the point that it would never be able to start up another war. Some felt the treaties should reward the winning side and yet others (although these seem to number less than the alternative viewpoints) felt that the point of the treaties was to establish a lasting peace. Germany was not invited to participate.

I would assume however, that Germany was not preparing to begin a war but rather that they were preparing for the possibility of war. The war came about because of the mismanagement of a crisis; the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand, a Serbian shooting an Austrian. The French representative in the ‘Big Three’, Clemenceau was an uncompromising politician and clearly displays this attitude of rigid vengefulness. With the German economy already crippled and tattered due to the war, Germany was in no shape to pay the excessive reparations demanded. The 7th of May 1920, the Germans believed that it would be unpleasant but not unfair to the degree that it was. Wilson’s 14 point plan was largely ignored and Germany was not to be allowed what should have been a given; true self-determination. Perhaps some of them felt they would not remain in power unless they demanded the cruel penalties they thought their countrymen wanted.

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 Germany was expected to pay damages of Ј6, 600,000,000, approximately 33 billion US dollars. However, because of the popular feeling widespread in some of the Entente countries, it is doubtful whether a formal and legal revision is as yet practicable.

The main powers Britain America and France all had different aims: Wilson (the American president) wanted a fair peace, Clemenceau (French prime minister) wanted a harsh peace and lastly Lloyd George (British prime minister) wanted a compromise peace.

The allied forces were too harsh on Germany; they were being greedy and callous. They only thing that all three ...

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