How far do you agree that the USSR won WW2 because of the mobilisation of the Russian people and economy?

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How far do you agree that the USSR won WW2 because of the mobilisation of the Russian people and economy?

The USSR won World War 2 due to a collection of reasons; the mobilisation of the Russian people showed the determination of the Russians however its contribution to the defeat of the Germans was not as great as other reasons.  World War 2 was won by USSR due to the combined effective use of Allied help, luck due to German tactical mistakes and individuals such as Stalin pushing for an economic boost.  This economic boost benefitted the USSR and allowed them to win the war, however nothing would not have been possible without Allied help

At the end of the war, Russia, her people, and her economy had been shattered.  Stalin’s infliction of hard work and malnutrition onto his people had led to almost as many deaths as the German invasion itself.  By allowing churches to reopen, 414 in the final year of the war, many Russians looked towards the Church for guidance which in turn gave them more motivation to help the war front.  National pride and patriotism was evoked by Stalin, who was careful to refer to the war as “defending the Motherland” rather than “defending Communism” due to people caring more about their country than the Communist party.  The mobilisation of the Russian people and its effect upon the USSR’s success during the war is best highlighted by the sieges of Stalingrad and Leningrad.  In Leningrad a third of the population died because of starvation but despite of both this and exhaustion and severe Russian winters they stayed firm against the Germans, each person doing their bit for the war.  Russians throughout Russia stood their ground, despite millions of deaths due to starvation after Germans took over vital agricultural areas and grain/livestock requisitioning was reintroduced.

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The Russian economy was far from perfect when the war began, but it proved to be vital to the success of World War Two – with help from the allies.  Russia was more prepared than Britain and France due to the economic progress made during the first two five year plans.  They compared favourably to the Nazi system, which was facing its own problems with being unable to produce armaments on a scale necessary to defeat Russia and capitalise on the resources won through conquest.  Central planning proved highly effective during the Second World War; by 1942 56% of ...

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