How far is it accurate to say that the Black Power movements of the 1960s achieved nothing for Black Americans?

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How far is it accurate to say that the Black Power movements of the 1960s achieved nothing for Black Americans?

The Black Power movement was a civil rights movement that differed from the mainstream non-violent movement most famously associated with Martin Luther King, in that it advocated self defense and black separatism.

Black Power was more successful in the North, where people were not as interested in MLK, as he mostly appealed to middle class, Christian black people. The Black Power movement appealed to young men, and in the Nation of Islam, 90% of New York’s Temple Number 7 had criminal records. “Freedom Cities” were set up in an attempt to prove that black people could govern themselves. For example, in Washington D.C black people were able to elect their own school board and took control of a black school in Harlem, and improved conditions there. Other ways that the black power movement provided practical help and improved the lives of children was through an initiative set up by the Black Panther Party, called Free Breakfast For Children, which was extremely popular and fed up to 10,000 children a day.

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The government were suspicious of the black power movement and believed that it was linked to communism, due to the Black Panther Party having Marxist beliefs. They were also worried that there would be a violent “black uprising” or a communist revolution. Therefore they were often persecuted by the government, and an example of this was the FBI’s organisation COINTELPRO, which forged letters and infiltrated the Black Panther party, which led to the loss of a lot of members, who felt they could no longer trust the leaders of the organisation. It also played on the already weakened relationship between ...

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