How Far Was Germany Responsible For Staring the Great War?

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Robert Lindsay                                                                                 11/10/2001



           The First World War had many causes. The spark of the Great War was the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, soon to be at the throne of Austria-Hungary, and his wife by a Serbian nationalist, while travelling through Sarajevo. The Archduke was chosen as a target because Serbians feared that after he was at the throne, he would continue the persecution of Serbs living within the Austria-Hungary Empire. The Serbian terrorist organisation, the Black Hand, felt they had to carry out the assassination. The initial act of war was that of Germany when they invaded Belgium and threatened France. Although is it fair to say Germany were totally to blame for the war? Or was there a good reason for Germany to want a war?   Throughout this essay it will become clear how far Germany was responsible for the outbreak of the ‘Great War’ because the main reasons for the war will be considered and a conclusion will be made from these reasons. Other reasons as well as the ones considered to be Germany’s fault will be explored so it is fair and not a one sided argument.

      Germany was a new power in Europe; the unification of Germany under Prussian leadership in January 1871 was the result of the brilliant diplomacy of Otto von Bismarck who by skilful use of war, and his excellent methods of convincing others of his good intentions created the new empire. However, the emergence of the German empire had upset the balance of Central Europe. By some, it was said that it was inevitable that it would lead to war because France felt threatened being contended in Central Europe.        The Arms Race is another cause of the war. Britain at that time had the largest empire in the world, and it also had the largest navy. The navy was so big and strong because the British needed to protect their empire and maintain the sea routes between the different colonies. Kaiser William of Germany hated and envied Britain for having a stronger navy than his despite his connections with the British Royal family through marriage. He increased the German naval production and built many warships. Britain responded with building more ships and increasing its navy size too. This started a race for building more and better warships and it created tension and competition between these two countries.        The system of alliance war another major cause of the War. There was a feud between France and Germany about controlling colonies, which can be said to lead to a greater conflict. Europe at that time was divided into two rival alliance systems: Triple Entente which included Great Britain, France and Russia. Opposing the Triple Alliance, which included the Central Powers of Austria- Hungary, Germany, and eventually the Turkish Empire.  Russia saw itself as the 'protector of Slavs' in the war, and immediately started  mobilized. When the war began, the German decision that if they were going to have to fight Russia and France, they would strike at France first according to the Schlieffen Plan, and then turn West to Russia. Germans believed that Russia at the time was unprepared for war, and that it will take a long time for Russia to mobilize its army. So, on July 28, 1914, Austria declared war against Serbia. Russia responded by partially mobilizing against Austria as a 'protector of Slavs', and Germany insisted that Russia immediately demobilize. Russia refused to do so, and so Germany declared war on Russia and France. From this, it can be said that Germany’s alliance with Austria-Hungary inspired Russia, Britain and France to form the Entente for protection and thus creating tension between the powers involved. Although Germany had to declare war on Russia because Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary. Even though it was said that Germany used it as an excuse to have a war in Europe to expand its Empire.      Germany’s new weaponry were another reason to believe that it was to blame for war as their development of poison gas and the first submarines used for killing purposes suggests they were expecting a war soon. Although they may have been preparing for a defensive war by doing this, it would have aroused suspicion between the main powers and encouraged them to increase and improve their weaponry similar to the way Germany and Britain contended for the best Navy.

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           Problems had existed between Austria and Russia for many years over an area known as the Balkans. The Ottoman Empire was in a state of disintegration with both Austria and Russia aiming for a greater influence in the area.. Both powers held a right to do so as Russia, as a Slav country, felt that they should have an influence with their fellow Slavs. However, Austria felt that if she did not have an influence in the area, Russia’s policy would lead to a serge of Slav nationalist spirit and they would lose influence ...

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