How far was the economic prosperity of the 1920s due to developments in the car industry?

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How far was the economic prosperity of the 1920s due to developments in the car industry? Explain your answer fully. [10 Marks]

The developments to the car industry helped the economic prosperity in the 1920s; however there were many other factors which also contributed the prosperity such as, the World War One, technological change, cheap labour force and credit. I consider the First World War being one of the main important factors which contributed most to the economic prosperity.

There were many developments in the car industry which helped the economic boom. Henry Ford’s business methods and new technology allowed him to make cars more affordable. One of the methods he used was the introduction of hire purchase, where buyers were able to pay for the car in instalments. This meant that more people were buying cars as they were more affordable. This bought in money into the USA and helped with the economic prosperity.

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Henry Ford also introduced an assembly line which was a more efficient method of producing cars. An electric conveyer belt carried partly assembled car at the same speed as the worker. This meant that because more cars were made faster more people were buying and so bought money into the USA. Before the conveyor belt one car was made every 3 minutes, however by 1920 one car was produced every 10 seconds.

Fords new modern advertising techniques helped sell more cars. For example he had women in the advertisements. This not only attracted men’s attention, it encouraged more female ...

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