How important was foreign aid in Henry VII's seizure of the English throne?

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Leah Richardson

How important was foreign aid in Henry VII's seizure of the English thrown?

This essay will assess, to what extent, how important foreign aid was to Henry

VII's seizure of the English thrown. Comparing foreign aid to other main factors,

Such as Betrayal to Richard III, Trust in Richard III and Henry VII's actions. My

personal view is that foreign aid was very important to Henry

VII's seizure of the English thrown.

Foreign aid was important to Henry VII's seizure of the English thrown, as foreign

 aid was his main source of help. Such as when he was under house arrest in

Brittany. Brittany let Henry VII flee to France with his followers. Henry VII knew

that if he stayed Richard III would most probably execute him. Without

having this vital help from Brittany, Henry VII’s journey to become king would

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never have happened.

        Charles VIII promised Henry VII 40,000 liver but only gave 10,000 liver. In

order to get a substantial amount more, Henry VII pawned some items he owned.

Henry VII was promised liver but didn’t quite get the amount he was hoping for.

This was helpful for Henry VII but he never received the right amount of money

promised. Meaning that he couldn’t spend a lot of money on Soldiers and

preparation. Causing Henry VII to suffer in the Battle to follow. This fact ...

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